Accepted a signing. GoGreen refuses to pay me for printing the docs. Because client cancelled. (I don’t like when they pull this TRICK!)
How long before the Appt. did you print?
If you printed more than 24 hours before the appointment and it was cancelled, it’s standard to not get printer fee. If it canceled after you got there, you should invoice 50% your fees. Most services have in the terms and conditions how they pay on cancelations. But if you printed too far in advance it’s standard to not get paid.
If they cancel after you arrive, it’s not a cancellation it’s a “did not sign”. You get your full fee. I’ve had this situation on a few occasions over the years. The scheduler will try to cancel an appointment past its scheduled time and offer you a print and trip fee. At that point I make my case to vendor management. I always prevail.
Agree w/Tisino–full fee for no-signs. Tho’ many will try 1/2. If so, negotiate. Also agree–print within 24 hrs. of Appt. to be paid a print fee if it cancels prior to making the trip.