Google Business Verification Video?

Hi. I’m trying to get my mobile notary business listed on Google Business. They’re asking for a video showing things that verify my business. I don’t have a physical location nor any branded vehicles or merch. Is there anything else besides a business card I can add to the video to verify my business?


I had to do this recently. I set out all my notary supplies in the back of my car and filmed that. I also filmed my mailbox and my street sign (just because it’s near my house) Google accepted my video as verification. Hope this helps.

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If you have a home based business, this is what google wants to see. I did a short video that showed my street sign, house number, notary supplies in my house and my car because I am also Mobile. I hope this helps.

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I have been trying to get Google approved too. I work from my home and have a full office with all my notary supplies, certifications framed and NNA information. I have a sign on my door and a flyer. They will not approve me. Any advice?

I have been in business for a little over a year. I am also a mobile notary. I was having quite a frustrating time getting approved by Google. I was at my wits end! Then I decided to get an account with Yelp. Much less hassle. When people search “notaries near me” my business comes up. I think that I come up even when people search on Google.

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Just be careful with paying for ads on Yelp. Don’t do it. It’s too expensive for the ROI and hard to cancel. I do agree that it does provide some business, but their ‘contact’ page just doesn’t require enough info to determine a reasonable quote.


Thanks!!! I agree about the ads… I just have a FREE account. I appreciate the comments!

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Concur :100: percent. My direct experience mirrors yours with Yelp!


I never paid for the service as I knew it wouldn’t produce much work here (low population).
I have just heard the stories others have told about trying to cancel and had a heckuva time just updating my e-mail addy to know that the stories had to be true.
One ‘off’ thing–when I first took out the ‘free’ listing w/Yelp, I did get an inquiry/week for about 5 or 6 weeks–not one of which panned out and I usually got ghosted after requesting more info. About the only thing an ‘inquiry’ generated was a call or e-mail from Yelp extolling their paid ads. Felt it was just ‘bait’ and declined. Haven’t had an inquiry thru Yelp since, so guess I was right.
Another thing I notice with ALL the free listings is nobody reads 'em anyway…they just call you and babble their ‘story’ and usually want you within 10 minutes. My ‘conversion rate’ is about 80%…but it’s like pulling teeth to get ALL the info required to provide a rational fee. The other 20% are either much further than I’ll travel or the signer is not competent.
GNW is loaded with drama.

This must be a new google thing. I never did a video for my business. I bet its been three years since I signed up. Google sent me a code in the mail and I plugged it in, in a website and that was that

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