Halloween surprise, GNW related

I was called to notarize several trust-related documents at a very high-end hotel yesterday afternoon. When I arrived at the door, the “sexy policeman”, an attractive older lady dressed in a black uniform, with a pair of Rhinestone pumps, handcuffs, and a billy club hanging from her waist, After the cordialities, she pointed me toward a long table with documents lined up on it. I carefully examined the papers and discovered this notarization required witnesses and you guessed it, more than half a dozen lady law officers, DEA agents, and FBI all in their early thirties walked in to help. I half expected them to be accompanied by several TMZ photographers.

All is a day’s work I say…


Are you sure this didn’t happen on April 1? That sounds insane.


So? You left us hanging. Did you get witnesses and what were the signers like?

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As to the witnesses, he said “more than half a dozen lady law officers, DEA agents, and FBI all in their early thirties walked in to help.” - so I’m guessing he got his witnesses. Sounds to me like the signer had a great sense of humor!!

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Hi Hi Linda, I forgot to mention that my witness pool consisted of young women dressed as law enforcement officers. This was an unexpected call from the concierge of a five-star resort.

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I was actually going to mention that it sounds like you had an audience of the Village People, but I refrained until now. LOL

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This type of closing would leave me smiling for days. Sounds like it was a fun adventure which is something out of the ordinary in our line of business.

Ok this made me laugh :upside_down_face:

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