How many journal entries do you make?

Say you have 5 acknowledgements in a loan package. How many journal entries do you make? 1 and list all the documents in that one entry? Or 5 different entries? I’ve been doing 5 entries but it seems redundant.


If you’re in CA, they require 1 entry per document/act. Other states aren’t as…redundant.


Yes, I am in CA. Should have mentioned that. Thank you for responding :slight_smile:

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And since you’re in CA - on another note with this - if it’s 2 signers you have 10 entries - one separate line item per signature notarized

So glad I’m not there… LOL

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Me, too. Particularly since I’ve been doing this a loooong time and never had anyone want a look at my journal. Plus, those repetitive signatures really must annoy signers.


Yeah that’s how I’ve done it. The borrowers look real bored :rofl:

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I’ve noticed you answer a lot of questions. Thank you so much for sharing you knowledge. It really helps.

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exactly. I live in CA. so frustrating especially when there are two payoff affidavits and two survey affidavits. so ridiculous when you had to do like 10 journal entries per signer. I go through books very fast and it takes so much time to do this and have them sign each line and FP each line. it is crazy. not sure why CA doesn’t allow one line per signer with docs listed
for those in CA do you actually write out the id information, signing address, etc on every line as well? or just once on the first one.

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I’m also in CA and the former owner of an independent escrow company my family had here for 30 years. At a California Escrow Association conference one year, we had an attorney for the SOS as a guest speaker. He explained that one the reasons we are required to have a separate line for each document is because if we ever get a subpoena, it would be for one specific document and that we would be required to only show that specific line of our journal, blocking out all the rest of the lines when copying. That is also the reason we can not list each document on a separate line, then draw a diagonal line through the signature blocks to create one line for them to sign for all documents, as only a portion of their signature would show. That’s what a lot of us used to do until that conference back in the 1990’s.

When I am doing a signing and writing done all their info over and over again, I explain to them that the SOS requires me to have a separate line for each document I notarize so because I have already addressed it, I never have anyone complain about it.

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interesting. I agree but such a painful process that other states seem to allow one line only listing out all documents that were notarized. less time required, less notary journals, etc.

Some states don’t even require a journal, which is crazy to me. Even more crazy than having a separate line item for each doc. Is it a pain in the a**? Absolutely! But for now we just do it, lol… As far as all info on every line, yes, all info is required on every single line because again, if we get a subpoena, it would be for one specific document, so the line for that document would have to have all required info on it.

Also, a signing address is not one of the things we are required to put down.

The chances of you ever getting a subpoena is extremely rare, as long as you are conscientious, and follow your states laws but it could still happen, so I’d rather not have to worry about if mine is right. When we are no longer notaries, we have to turn all our journals into the county clerks office. They can still be used if there is a subpoena and we will still be liable if there is a problem. Meaning you could still be fined.

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so I put the dl # and exp date but not bdate and issue date on every line. do you put all the details (even those not required) on every line?

You are only required to put DL # and expiration date. The only time you need to put issue date is if it is expired but issued within the last 5 years. Never put the birth date. Yes, you have to put DL # & exp. date on every line.

If you have something in the notes area regarding the signing, I would probably only list that once, like if they have a hard time signing because of arthritis or something, but know what is going on.

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If you want to contact me by email, it’s I would be happy to help with any kinds of questions you may have. The notifications on here are not very current, lol.

I appreciate the offer/email! I will probably take you up on it. Thanks!

Yes. 1 journal entry per notarization.

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CA is definitely a no for me for notary work. Wow.

So… if you used NotaryAct would you need to make 1 entry per signature?

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I’m not sure. Hopefully someone else can answer.

I’m totally new to this. Doing a quick google search I see that NotaryAct is an electronic notary journal. I’ve seen it asked if I can do e-sign on some of the lists I have signed up on. Is this what they are referring to?

Looks like NotaryAct is not accepted in CA.

Its funny but I just read in Ca they don’t require the address of the signer? I still add it on the first entry so I have it on record if called upon. Any others care to comment?

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