How much do you pay yourself

For those of you that keep your business and personal finances separately. How do you calculate how much you pay yourselves? And do you just transfer from your business account to your personal account? I’m currently behind on pay myself :joy:

At the beginning of each month, I pay myself. I operate on a budget so I know what my monthly needs and expenses are.

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That’s a good idea! I was looking at my account and was like hey! I need to pay my hardest worker…. ME!

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I have a business account into which I deposit all my earnings from notary work. Once monthly, I contact my payroll service and ask them to credit my personal account at my bank with the dollars over $1000 (my account “reserve”) plus tax withholdings. Of course, the amount I get is never the same, but so what? It’s my money :grinning:


I hope I have a payroll service one day! :slight_smile:

Oh so you are one of those slow payers, eh? If I were you I would fire you!!! :joy:

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I know right… she is probably waiting for that final demand pay notice​:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


I found out she bills at net 30 so I went and and direct deposited her money! She plays no games! Lol

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I also included a late fee for her troubles :joy:


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