I am frustrated with Snapdocs

I’m sorry but you don’t understand. This is Hawaii, not Maryland, EVERYTHING is expensive here. Totally different.

It doesn’t cost anything to be registered, so I will stay registered on their platform. However, currently less than 5% of my business comes from Snapdocs - 95% of what I do comes directly from title companies and builders. I don’t worry about my rating on SD and I don’t worry about replying to their text alerts. But, occasionally, if I have a slow day and see an alert come through from a company that I have worked with before that I know will pay well with a fee I’m willing to accept I will answer. If they select me, great! If they don’t, I don’t worry about it at all.

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That’s funny cause everyone in Maryland says it is more expensive here. Never heard someone making that statement about Hawaii.

I think Snapdocs really Really need to stop low balling!!! Notary agents need to get paid…$50 for a Refior a Reverse Mortgage? Snapdocs needs to send the correct price they get paid anyway come on

My husband and I have established a brisk business with a few trusted partners who appreciate us, as well as pay promptly. We call it mutual respect for all involved and feel very fortunate to be part of their team. Today, we dissolved any further involvement with Snapdocs and several other companies who consistently put out low-ball offers, or have burned us with super slow or non-payment. Stick with those companies you feel good about. It will take time, but it’s totally worth being onboard with the very few of them who hold high standards, ethics and commitment to helping their valued signing agents build their business. I have only the highest praise for those I choose to work for…it made a huge difference in how I feel about this profession.


I did an assignment through SD and in my documents was the fee sheet. After noticing that the “notary fee” was $350 but I was only being paid $75, SMH!

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Did you negotiate your fee?

yes I tried. no luck. but I try to not make a mistake more than once! Now I negotiate my fee on all.

I totally agree with you.

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No, I have never accepted a job that didn’t start at $100 minimum. I did my research before I added this service to my business model and am aware that lenders typically pay $100-$250 per signing, so when I started seeing job offers under $100 from signing companies, I knew there was something wrong. I have watched notaries talk about this epidemic for years now and it is very upsetting and disgusts me.

I haven’t focused on what their cut of the fee is, I simply focus on my business needs.

Isn’t that interesting? Many times, if you review your documents, you will see how much the lender is allocating for the notary!!!

The reason for being offered low fees is because the signing agencies/companies seem to depend on and prefer a steady source of new, notaries who are also inexperienced in business. New notaries are constantly churned out (by a certain organization we all know of). The glut of notaries is so evident that this same organization will also show you what else you can do, that many times has nothing to do with notarizing, like secret shopper etc. Keep your fees up, because I cannot impress enough upon you all that we have unlimited liability. If you stay at this for a long time, you will be sued even if you are not at any fault, you have to defend yourself and this costs.
There are always those who want to horn in on the notary fees in whatever way they can, as if we were making a fortune at this dangerous job.


Agreed. This is said everywhere and totally forgotten,ignored or the newbs didn’t get the memo::
FEES ARE NOTARY DRIVEN. Unless or until newbs get the message, these low fees will prevail as long as someone who ‘wants to gain experience’ says yes instead of NO.


SD is awful. They charge very high fees to notary companies that in turn request notaries for you to do. When I first started out, I rarely got SD requests and even now, I barely get any. The one’s I do get are a joke at $50-75…I don’t even bother.

I always reply to the requesting company that the fee is too low…and they move on.

SD= disgusting. Everyone in the industry can price fix on the notary fees that they decide to pay us. Appraisers and others seem to control their own fees, but not us, who are the lowest paid and least respected in the whole process. We can’t organize in any way at least as notaries. I wonder though if we can organize as Signing Agents.
I’ve worked very hard to cultivate direct title company work only, now one of my big clients uses SD which pays me less. While I realize this was a corporate decision at the title co because I think it makes their bookkeeping and pay process easier, it is reminiscent of working with a signing co- a go between me and the client I worked hard to cultivate. SD is NO advantage to me, I can run my own business without a middle man manager. If I an understanding this right, they ‘invite’ you to keep your calendar on their site, then they know all you clients and other appts that didn’t come thru SD. Next thing you know is that they contract with your clients and you end up with less pay once they get your clients to use their platform.
THEY HAVE PRICE FIXED. I am grateful to the title company for their loyalty in using me and that they request me and a few others to do their appts as usual. I really like all the E O’s at the branches and regard them all as treasured friends. This corporate decision wasn’t pretty. I see NO advantage to me in this change though. I continue to be grateful to them and for being able to continue working with them even if it is thru SD for a little less.
I would never recommend that anyone become a notary unless you are going own a mail and message/shipping business, become an escrow officer, or you work for a company and their notarizing only. Otherwise, forget about it , go to school, get a real job making real money without the unlimited liability. If I was younger, that is what I would do.
I suspect that SD will be dominating the market and their platform could become the only game in town for large companies (title, escrow etc) eliminating all the signing companies and directories.


When I worked for signing companies (way too long), they would say that business is slow now and want to lower a fee. Well I used to say that while that may be true, my expenses have not gone down and I am interested in profit not just producing cash flow. Gee, when I went to Office Depot for supplies, I told them that business was slow and could I pay half price for my purchases today? They said no. So I say no to your low fee offer too. OK?

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I’ve yet to receive a job via SnapDocs that is above $95…it’s an utter joke. I’ve got to print the docs out, drive to the site, bring the docs back, FAX/SCAN them back, and for what? Average $75?

No thanks let another sucker take it.

The reason why notaries can’t seem to organize is because of mentality and attitude. When I first started working as a notary, I talked about rates here and on other forums and I was looked down upon and criticized for asking such a “blasphemous” question. As if.

If notaries helped each other more than they lambast and attack each other, we’d have a standing chance of keeping our prices higher and more reflective of what we deserve to get paid.

I’ve done this for a year now and it’s been so disappointing…not only for the lack of work but the utterly garbage rates that people are willing to pay. Not to mention, garnering business as a notary makes one feel like a cheap, sleazy insurance agent.

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I am also frustrated. But once a while, you hit a decent amount in scratchoff. Not the jackpot all the time. Thats what it is.


Keep Scratching and see what you win. BTW I was thinking of turning off my profile, but then this.

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I am a new SA , so far all the SA assignments I have received have been taken.