November 6, 2023, 12:49pm
@shieklegendaryenterprise Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
November 7, 2023, 3:01pm
@montoyawsm Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
November 8, 2023, 1:18am
@Tknauer71 Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
November 10, 2023, 11:48am
@34dscates Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
November 11, 2023, 2:02pm
@kekleberry9900 Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
November 14, 2023, 9:39pm
@jasondonahue.notary Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
November 15, 2023, 5:14pm
@JSzychowski Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
November 18, 2023, 1:18pm
@ecmnotary Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
November 19, 2023, 12:57pm
@algalafa Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
November 21, 2023, 9:29pm
@sondakilson Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
November 24, 2023, 2:53pm
@mimcourier1 Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
November 26, 2023, 1:26pm
@sgilmore626 Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
November 28, 2023, 2:06pm
@supremesignatoryservices Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
This is great information. I have always asked for a recipt to make sure that A. Reference when communicating my actions and locating the time B. Tracking purposes C. Just thought it would be common sense to protect oneself. I tend to be very organized and detailed, making sure I have executed efficiently in and proper manner.
1 Like
November 29, 2023, 1:19pm
@vfnotaryservices Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
November 30, 2023, 11:51am
@BlkExclnce57 Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
December 1, 2023, 2:27pm
@thefinaltouchnotary Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
December 2, 2023, 2:18pm
@jntunt1984 Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
December 5, 2023, 1:30pm
@elrasheedahw Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!
December 6, 2023, 1:26pm
@philipmosc Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! This thread may prove to be a helpful one to you considering you’re a new Notary Cafe member.
Please start at the top of this thread for informative & helpful information:
FYI: To all Notary Cafe Members regarding obtaining a receipt at the time of package handoff to the Shipper; i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc. =>
Obtaining a RECEIPT at the time of handoff is certainly NOT in any way for the benefit of the client . . .
The client usually NEVER mentions obtaining a receipt, except in rare instances with lowball Signing Services [SSs].
Of course, if it’s not for the benefit of your client, one might ask: “Why take the time, gas, effort, etc. to obtain a receipt at…
I’ve also linked additional threads that you may find helpful, too!