International Property Buyers

Receiving more requests for property signings for people moving here from India, China, Japan, Ukraine, Russia, etc. Is anyone else receiving more of these type of requests. I backed away from one signing from person affiliated with Russian military and security purchasing property in 2 local towns in Washington State. Curious of this is happening in rest of the USA.

No, but then nobody wants to live in AR, except people trying to escape CA. Are these requests coming thru TCs or from signer as GNW?

TCs & GNW & Attorneys. Quite the variety.

You’re fluent in how many languages? Just kidding. There’s a whole lot of that going on in my little city, but the paperwork is in-house for local purchases. I get the investor guys who are purchasing a Section 8, 4 Plex in Southside Chicago.

Interesting. Imagine transactions are happening all over US. Selling of America and Fed Government slow to be aware of these transactions. Lot of military bases and major businesses in WA State. Security should be top priority and lot of places still have old school security. Many schools and medical facilities hacked because security is not up to date. World keeps changing quicker than prevention. As the world churns.

I fluent in Gibberish. :upside_down_face:

Apparently this is a true fact. :smile:

Thanks for your response. Hearing that businesses are moving to AR in the future. Your business may pick up.

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