Is the Real Estate Market in the decline or just changing?

I’m in Florida and the virus is suppose to peak the end of Feb… and we will have many, many more cases of infected people. And I’m concerned that many will be Notes. Even though we aren’t in crowds there is still a risk for us. Yes, there will be less competition, but not in the way we would have had it.

Will the SS’s take this in consideration and increase their rates…NOOOO, of course not they will run their algorithms just like Zillow did and will leave us with the damage!

PS I just read that Florida will have 80% infected in the next 2 months. WOW

I have had 2 exposures in the past 5 days - one Monday in the waiting room of the ER at the V.A. (I found an empty corner and huddled myself alone while my husband was being checked out!!) - the nurse told us they’d had numerous positives that day and “it’s rampant”; then yesterday in the field for the Census Bureau I meet a couple who announce right out “we have Covid” - they were on the way for monoclonal antibody treatment.

Keeping my fingers crossed


Real estate is going to change in my opinion. Has anyone reseached blockchain technology? I think they’re trying to get rid of realtors, notaries & many more. One thing you can bet on is, technology is unstoppable. Has anyone looked into CITY DAO in Cheyenne Wyoming? Look’s like they’re trying to make purchasing a home, land, or properties with a few clicks of a button as a form of a NFT. You tie the deed of trust to the NFT and boom you purchased a home on a smart contract… Quiet interesting. let me know your thoughts…


Today I only saw two requests for signing services anywhere within 50 miles from me. Usually there are 8-10 a day. Unfortunately neither was an area close enough to bid. I think the holidays may have delayed some loans and I hear the fed is going to raise interest rates soon.

I just think……technology doesn’t complain, it doesn’t ask for family paid leave or vacation or sick days or time off, it doesn’t get tired and make mistakes and it’s easily going to replace people soon.

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Exactly, its only a matter of time. I have a cousin, she was braggin that she made 45$ an hour in a goverment job. Two weeks ago she told me. That she just got replaced by a robot. Technology will most likely take over notary work in about 5-10 years maybe alot quicker than expected. Its always good to learn new trade’s.

Be careful you get caught in 'the rug pulled out" scam. This is when the real asset is pulled out leaving the NFT/Crypto Currency owners are left with worthless tokens.


Before I left healthcare one of my projects was designing part of a robotic delivery system for a hospital. The project displaced 75 full time employees with 30 robots that would deliver linens, food, medical supplies, and Pharmaceuticals to the patient floors. The system needed two full time technicians to maintain the system.

Those with repetitive low skill jobs will eventually be replaced.


So, have we figured out if it’s declining or just changing? Because things are definitely different and don’t seem to be picking up.

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I’m seeing a ever so slight uptick in real estate activity. I’m also in one to the hottest economic markets in the US. I’d describe that over all market as being frothy for now.

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My answer ! We haven’t seen anything yet

We have all been through the year that was. There has never been a year like 2021 and now 2022 is on the horizon. As many of you know, my wife and I are full time Brokers with many years in real estate. We have seen many, many years of UP and DOWN economies. Mostly they are controlled by politics. The law that controls prices … on real estate and every thing else is INTEREST rates. Low interest breeds HIGHER prices… High rates bring prices DOWN. You can see the low rates shot house prices UP… Way UP. The current government spending is bringing that awful word to bear … inflation … so prices on homes have to go DOWN. Because they are OUT of range. Home buyers look at their monthly payment just like a car they want to know : how much a month is this going to cost me? Higher interest rates bring higher monthly costs means they have to buy a cheaper home. Re-Fi rates will be higher so owners will have fewer choices. Look for the Ri-Fi market to decline sharply. There goes a lot of those EZ signings out the window. Foreclosures will sharply increase by March…bringing prices of the whole market DOWN.
The opposite market will surface …rather than buyers buying quickly because prices going up they now will wait because prices are coming down, Maybe next month things will be cheaper. Sales go DOWN.
The OUTCOME…LESS Sales, Ri-Fi’s = less work for Note’s.

TC’s and attorneys will use their own office help to handle the business. Because business will be much less.

Sorry Note’s.


so foreclosures are the next big business, huh something to think about here.

Something’s not right about this economy.

I heard it’s all going down end of days

Average foreclosure process takes over 12 months depending on the state. These lenders are creating loan modifications for their clients. Foreclosure is the last option for lender or clients.

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thanks for that info

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I was at Sam’s club the other day and I saw a cleaning vehicle that was driving itself in the store. I waved at it of course. What a friendly machine.


I am very confused with the real estate market right now. Since you are a realtor I have a question. I thought that the economy is not going so well, why do we have so many people grabbing properties all over? I am shopping for investment properties, homes and land and I noticed they are quickly either under contingent or pending status. I used to be able to buy one property every three months. Now I’m having a hard time finding unless I want to overpay for something and go through bidding wars! No thanks. I looked in Florida, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho every day I can’t find anything I want that not under contract:(

Yea well there’s too many people