It’s a “Manic RON-day”!

Yesterday I learned you can end up getting audio feedback from having 2 signers in the same house on different devices :woman_facepalming:t5:
I’m not sure why they were not on the same device. Thankfully we were still able to close but it did take a little longer (35) minutes.


Yep, always ask them to do on 1 device if in the same room/house, or RON team will start asking why, this and that, they don’t like it. They look for clear audio and video otherwise it’s a redo!

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RON closing is great but you do spend a lot of time waiting and staring at your computer screen! Thank goodness this last one only took 18 minutes!

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I always download the journal but not the video. Do you download both?

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Same here…………………………….


I completed my first and only RON closing for Amrock last friday. It was awesome! Haven’t received any more offers from them. Have you noticed a slow down in amrock Ron offers?

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A significant slowdown for last two weeks

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I completed my first $100 RON. Why $100. Well, they decided to make it convenience for the client to sign using their mobile devices like smart phone! My clients were using their iPhones to sign but it look longer to complete because of connection. So I asked for fee increase from $65 to $100 and got it approved. My 20 minutes RON closing turned into 1 hr! Ugh!

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This is why I love RON closing. Not leaving the house today! 100% RON today:) :heart_eyes: Just wear a jacket over my t-shirt, capri leggings and slippers and I’m good to go! :joy:. This first one only took 11 minutes:). Love my job. :pray:

Wear slippers to closing anyone? :joy:

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Lol…. You look comfy

Well unfortunately my 4pm RON closing was hell:(. Customer tried to do it at a baseball game! We had to reschedule to 7pm and try again when they get home to a better internet connection, but at least I’ll get two fees out of the same one. What a pain, messed up with my schedule too. Ugh

Thats cool. What platforms are you using and what is their cost?

I’m only using the one and only Nexsys Clearsign which is widely use by many banks/lenders and titles for mortgage/real estate transactions. No cost.

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I finally got my RON certificate fixed by the SOS and am signed up with my direct that use Nexsys. Im really really nervous about using a tool that i have no training on. I know how to navigate a computer but the whole notary process worries me. I wish there was training available

Ask your direct to send link for Nexsys training.

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It’s a blessing to do mostly RON now because my garden is turning into a jungle! :grimacing: No time to tend the roses/yard work but now I can:). Been spending more time reflecting on life vs frantically trying to get to the next signing on time! Like I said earlier, I stopped taking signing under $150 if I have to print and drive! I’m going to dump all print and drive closings very soon and just do 100% RON. I’m getting super close.

It’s a jungle over here for goodness sakes.