Jurats not used in New Jersey

I recently saw an answer while trying to print Jurats that they were not used in New Jersey.

The word “jurat” is used in different ways in different states. In some states, it means administering an oath. In some, it’s the notarial certificate used when administering an oath. In some states it’s any notarial certificate. Some states don’t use the word in their laws at all.

But all states provide for oaths, and all states provide for notarial certificates.

Here is a link to your state handbook … Page 13 outlines a jurat form

You should have this link at your fingertips at all times for immediate reference

http://www.nj.gov /treasury/revenue/pdf/NotaryPublic Manual.pdf

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Once upon a time I managed Notaries for a large corporation in many US States. Laws and forms different by state. Found National Notary Assn. online very helpful for downloading proper acknowledgement forms and basic state laws. Always go to your state for actual notary law information. In the real world, web information is not always updated.

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