More Industry Changes

Thank you for your 12 cents.:blush:

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Amen to that. Totatly agree! :

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All that wonderful experience will open doors for you. Crazy experience today received request from full care facility to add me to their vendor list. To be added to list sent me a community site that connects all local title, real estate, escrow, lenders, full care facilties, etc. within 20 miles of my office. Must receive invite from one of the listed clients. So handing out my FAQs sheet to full care facility really paid off. :grinning:


Congratulations, this is HUGE!!! :ok_hand:t4::clap:t4::dove:

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Did your FAQs come from your website or interactions with your customers?

@Info15 Here is the post by @alice2uworld regarding her Beautiful Concept of the one-page FAQ sheet:


Recently moved from Kitsap County WA to Pierce County WA. Kitsap County word of mouth information travels quicker. Prior to COVID I was doing a lot of signings for POA and Wills for military personnel and seniors. After COVID hit volume of these signings increased. There were many FAQs and I always wanted to create my one page doc and had time was business was slow. A lot of people in Kitsap County had signing parties invited witnesses and then had food and drinks afterwards. Some Wills had many pages and signatures and one came to $250. I told couple even though charging state rate felt bad and would discount. They insisted I charge full amount because it was worth peace of mind.

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Thank you for your praise on my one page sheet. With experience learned to keep language simple and to the point. Now when people call me for this type of signing I offer to email sheet to them or they can go to my simple website ~ nothing fancy. They appreciate the written explanation especially if they have to share with others. Currently, there are 2 members of my extended family with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and in final stages of life. They did not create POAs or Wills and puts a burden on the family. One has signed DNR but the other person is 46 years old and in denial of severity of his diagnosis and has not signed DNR. I have my POAs and Will in place so I will not burden my family.

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Please don’t feel bad. There are a lot of notaries who aren’t getting work. I was doing great until summer of 2022. I was getting approximately one signing per week, if that. I decided to reinvent myself. I took a course in insurance and now I sell insurance. I don’t have to leave my home. Everything is done over the phone and computer. I have made more in an hour than I made in a week last year. Of course every day is different but I don’t have any overhead at all. I don’t have to drive out in the snow and ice. No tires that are constantly needed, no too often-needed oil changes and tune ups. The course was a monster but I passed it first time and I’m loving my transition. I’m not trying to discourage you but the struggle is real in the notary business.


WOW ! That’s great. Great great great

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Do you have any information or could you send it to me separately what course you took?

Amen! Believer to Believer!! I’m in full time ministry and do notary work to pay bills. I’ve diversified , was paid $100 for a property inspection video , I found a finger print notary and added her to my website and Google page. I’m in Notarize now for RON. I even started an online course for signing agents. The money is there just have to go above and beyond in this season but the provision is there sis!

The business is alot slower but there is still plenty of opportunities, you just have to market and network harder. Work from signing co and title companies was easy befor 2023 and you didnt have to put much effort into getting work.

What I do , pay for Google ads, go to SBA and Chamber of Commerce meetings/events, add services such as fingerprinting , reach out to companies that I am a vendor for already, put business cards everywhere weekly and get more knowledge on notary policy/ regulation (the more you know, the more you have to offer customers/ companies).

Some places have thier go to notaries, you have to find that place that don’t, so start with new businesses, real estate agencies or nursing homes.

One of the key elements is the local markets. Not every market is the same others. Some markets are over saturated with Notaries which has watered down both fees and engagements. Currently Texas has more notaries than any other state in the union [1 notary per every 60 residents].

Thanks for your reply, I totally agree.

While I appreciate all the comments, encouragement and suggestions from everyone in this forum, the market you are in is a determining factor.

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Thank you for you suggestions. I have done or am doing several of them including the expansion of my services by adding fingerprinting and field inspections. I am also currently learning the Apostille process, so I can add this service as well.

You’re right, the pool of preferred notaries is deep, I need to meet people, and I will start with my local SBA and COC.

How’has Google ads added value and helped to increase your bottom line?

Thanks for the suggestions Sis. I have diversified my services.

What state are you in? I did a field inspection and uploaded pictures and only received $25 for the 38 mile trip. When I called to negotiate the price, I was told they couldn’t pay any more than $25. I don’t accept anymore of their requests. My business is not a gig or side hustle, and I have a mortgage to maintain.

I am continuing with my business, but also using discernment and looking for other non-notary work to bring in income. i continue to trust God to direct and guide my path and open the right doors for me. Peace & Blessings!

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Just checking in. How are you doing?

Your welcome ! So they found me on Google , I’m not apart of any inspection websites. Now I’m adding the service to my website , hey shoot me an email let’s chat !

I knew the Refi rush was gong to end at some point. I was hoping that point would have been further in the future. In 2019 I started Tax Preparation as a side hustle. Today it’s now my main business.