More Industry Changes

I totally agree. Than you for this.

Old is a state of mind, and I am not old.

Nice to hear NY is one of your favorite cities!

I am so happy Broadway reopened after a long pandemic imposed hiatus.

It’s great that your son and granddaughter are actors and you get to see them at “work” living their best lives. I know you are so proud of them, and your love and support means everything to them :blush:

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Keep trying to generate business. The only suggestion i can make is use a dedicated email that notifies you each time you get an email. It helps to have a newer phone and good provider. I have another business that has time sensative emails. I use t mobile with a t mobile phone. Prepaid is often slower as is an unlocked phone. A phone from your provider is often faster. An expensive i phone is not needed. I have used a mid priced samsung for 4 years now. Stay away from cheaper brands as speed is important. Also make sure your text is set up to notify you. I downloaded some loud ringtones and this email has a unique ring. Your phone is a very important tool.

Those who can, do. Those who cant, teach.

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Where is he? New york or LA?

I have had Verizon and T-Mobile and have 2 phones ~ all about location. I can see cell towers from where I live and my old T-Mobile Samsung works better than my new T-Mobile Samsung which is supposed to be the latest thing ~ it’s all hype. My daughter has 2 Verizon cell phones and same issue. Perhaps too many trees and hills. I put fun ring tones on my phones and sometimes they don’t ring unless I restart the phone. I clean out dormant messages and maintain my phones like my pc. Samsung and T-Mobile put too much of their own junk on phones that they don’t allow us to delete and is a pain.

It sure is nice my son can act and teach. He relates well to students and he also is truthful about acting industry. He just got lucky and so did my granddaughter ~ her gigs have so far paid enough for her college fund.

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Sort’ve all over. Home in NJ and VA so he can fly out easily for other locations. Voiceovers out home studios and sometimes in NY or other states. Been to AK and many Native American tribes. Judge for film festivals. Granddaughter aka “Blue Cotton Candy Girl” for Mariners and over 10 million hits started her career. Still on Google search. Invited to Steve Harvey’s Little Big Shots and family went to LA. Photo of me with family in audience. Thanks for asking.

Prior to my retirement I used to teach lien classes in all US States for global company that employed me for 15 years. Each state has different laws. Notary docs that refer to liens is easy for me to point out explanation and answer questions like what is a lien. All of our life experiences have given us handy tools.

This is true. I’ve done notarizations for corporate closings as a paralegal and prepared loan documents for business loans as a contract manager, so I have a well-rounded background and wealth of experience. I also completed a residential real estate course prior to getting my NNA certification. Preparation meeting opportunity equals success.

It seems as though you’ve done quite a bit in the way of marketing - keep going. Hand your business card to everyone you meet because often need a Notary but don’t know where to find one. If you’re not on social media, get on there and market. Make sure EVERYONE knows you are a Notary. I am experiencing the same few offers and calls, but am not solely dependent on my income from my business. I have a contract position a couple of days a week that’s a big help, and it allows me to continue to pursue my business. I hope things get better for you!

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Hello Info 15, just wanted to chime in and give you my 12 cents of experience. This is a up and down profession, and right now we are in a down! My advice to you is the same that I give to all new CNA’S; take every signing that comes your way that you’re making money with (experience counts), expand your busines, advertise your business on social sites, sign up with all scheduling platforms, reach out to escrow and title companies in your area, and lastly get all the trainings you can get in the field, remember most of the training that have a fee you can sometimes get for free from your state or NNA. Tiktok: Mobile Notaries (seen some good stuff on there). Good Luck!


Thank you for your 12 cents.:blush:

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Amen to that. Totatly agree! :

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All that wonderful experience will open doors for you. Crazy experience today received request from full care facility to add me to their vendor list. To be added to list sent me a community site that connects all local title, real estate, escrow, lenders, full care facilties, etc. within 20 miles of my office. Must receive invite from one of the listed clients. So handing out my FAQs sheet to full care facility really paid off. :grinning:


Congratulations, this is HUGE!!! :ok_hand:t4::clap:t4::dove:

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Did your FAQs come from your website or interactions with your customers?

@Info15 Here is the post by @alice2uworld regarding her Beautiful Concept of the one-page FAQ sheet:


Recently moved from Kitsap County WA to Pierce County WA. Kitsap County word of mouth information travels quicker. Prior to COVID I was doing a lot of signings for POA and Wills for military personnel and seniors. After COVID hit volume of these signings increased. There were many FAQs and I always wanted to create my one page doc and had time was business was slow. A lot of people in Kitsap County had signing parties invited witnesses and then had food and drinks afterwards. Some Wills had many pages and signatures and one came to $250. I told couple even though charging state rate felt bad and would discount. They insisted I charge full amount because it was worth peace of mind.

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Thank you for your praise on my one page sheet. With experience learned to keep language simple and to the point. Now when people call me for this type of signing I offer to email sheet to them or they can go to my simple website ~ nothing fancy. They appreciate the written explanation especially if they have to share with others. Currently, there are 2 members of my extended family with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and in final stages of life. They did not create POAs or Wills and puts a burden on the family. One has signed DNR but the other person is 46 years old and in denial of severity of his diagnosis and has not signed DNR. I have my POAs and Will in place so I will not burden my family.

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