More ways to earn as a licensed notary!

I agree with Victor. They pay too little for the money they make. I have been signed up with them for over a year. I get their e-mail notifications almost every day. They know I am a notary but they have never offered me a notary job, only vehicle inspections, occasionally accident scene inspections. Late last year they lowered their prices. I have done inspections for them (on their app on my phone) and they used to pay $20, sometimes $22, but now they are $17 or $18. They take 30 min or so at the location. If they are 3 miles or less away and I am not busy I consider it. I do very few now because they are usually not close to me and I am too busy. You have to use your phone data so be careful about taking a job at a location where you don’t get a good signal.
OnSource is another one that used to call personally and pay better but they recently changed their way of doing business to be exactly like We Go Look. They do e-mail blasts, have an app on the phone for doing the job, and pay $18 for a vehicle inspection. They have never offered me a notary job either.
Sand Castle operates a little differently. You set your own rates but if someone in your area is also signed up and has cheaper rates they will get most of the business and they are welcome to it. They give me some vehicle inspections, but mostly “chases”, which mean you go out and deliver a letter from a creditor. They don’t do e-mail blasts, they assign jobs which you can accept or reject. I usually do the assignments that they assign to me. I get $25-30. But I get very few assignments anymore so someone in my area must be doing it cheaper.
I recently did a number of building inspections for S2 Inspections. I don’t recommend them…