Navy Federal Title Services LLC

Navy Federal Title Services LLC
21631 Ridgetop Circle, Suite #265
Sterling, Virginia 20166

Has any one work for this company?? Are you getting paid? I just got called today for a Closing.
Thank You for any information.
Sherrie L Leiker

Navy Federal Title Services is the title company for Navy Federal Credit Union. Grab it quick!

Working directly with ANY title company is usually safe. Title companies are licensed. If you get one that won’t pay you as agreed, you can file a complaint with their licensing agency and get prompt results. Plus … working direct you don’t have to share your fee. Working with a signing service, that SS takes a portion of the fee and you get the crumbs.



Thank You for replying to my Question. I have worked with them years ago.
I have not gotten any calls till yesterday.
Sherrie L Leiker

It’s exciting to see these title companies getting out from under the signing companies. Fees tend to be a bit higher when they cut out that middle person. Then again, it’s nice to have that middle person sometimes to do all the follow up for docs and locations changes.

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