New and Skeptical

Sadly, these group of land owners/sellers are not well informed or savvy. Unfortunately, they don’t know that their land worth a lot more than they think! No well…

Thank you for the information and reassurance. I did it and it was fairly easy. The conversation lasted longer than the signing. It was smooth and I was paid within days. I enjoyed the experience.

Good job, SMCampbell! Happy for you! I pray you get more of these signings. I now have 3 or 4 different investor clients that buy these lots on a regular basis. And, I’ve learned to enjoy my signers (at least most of them - lol). Live long and prosper! Take care!

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Love them too. Although, some of the buyers don’t dig deep enough on what they are buying. Some of these are a waste of money. Like today, I found a nice piece of acreage that is gorgeous on top the mountain in Colorado for a great price. Cash only, no problem. My heart was pounding with excitement, I wanted to buy it now. I called the realtor pushed hard but he didn’t reveal. I had to dig deeper on my own and discovered it’s “landlocked property”! Ugh! No thanks.