New Signing Agent Needing Reassurance!

Hi everyone. I have now been commissioned in Tennessee for 3 months and loan signing for 1 month. I have signed up with snapdocs and signingorder and use the bluenotary platform.

Ive only completed one loan signing and they found me through yelp! I just wanted to make sure im signed up for the right websites and pretty much that im going about everything correctly in order to get business!

I know the market is rough right now! Thank you in advance!

Try 1 more Directory 2 see if you can get 3 or more Notary jobs that pay better’n platforms because a lot of small, local TCs use it. Figure it out…

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Sign up with 100 companies. You’ll starve if you’re only signed up with 2.


@yournotaryjess23 FYI: I’ve linked multiple threads to you. These should be insightful & helpful to you.


Do not use 123Notary, please! Several will send you there but they are not a good place. I have been waiting on my paid listing to be published for 6 months now and they do not return calls or emails.

Both that site and the owner can be ‘difficult’, but I thought he’d gotten his act together as the ‘blog’ (link at top of site home page) is now being quite professionally written by someone other than the owner and has been quite informative for the past 6 months or more. If you can find a contact phone # on said site, call him around 9 or 10 PM…guy’s a night owl. Be very polite… seriously.

You should be signed up with at least 100 companies.


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