NNA is offering training from C2C - uh what?

Received an email that NNA is going to provide free training via Coast 2 Coast Signings. I think that’s interesting considering you can go to Youtube and take all their training modules already. And from this forum it appears more than a few notaries complain about C2C pay history.

They do offer good training and when I started I would call and get a lot of great information. But the only unpaid August contract is from - guess who. And I’ve had 4 replies to email that are identical about it being handled. They can train the heck out of a notary - when they pay on time will be the best news.

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Ain’t that a kick in the head…

Sometimes they don’t even reply to the follow up emails I send.

C2C has been that way forever. They’re bottom feeders.

Coastal has bad pay history.
I wouldn’t take a chance on any thing they say is free

I got paid after five requests and they also paid the September invoice I had pending. They don’t like to pay higher counter offers. So I counter and don’t mind not getting. I will say when I started I could call the office and they would take the time to teach me anything I needed to know. And there is value to that when you are starting because so many places do not pick up to answer your questions if you need help at the table. C2C almost always does. For new notaries there is big value to that.

Yes, there is some value to that but companies that do that still treat experienced notaries the same way that they treat new notaries. By that I mean ridiculously low fees and treating you like you’re a newbie even if you have 10 years experience and have closed thousands of loans. The one thing I can say in C2C’s favor is that yes, they are slow to pay but you WILL get paid. They never stiffed me.