Non Payment- Secured Signings

Non payment. I did do a search on company here and found nothing. I completed a signing in November and am still waiting on Payment. I have sent 26 reminder letters as well as 2 letters of Demand for payment including all those involved in the transaction. Past due of over 90 days. I have received ZERO RESPONSES or call backs. Just want everyone to BEWARE.


If you have zero responses or callbacks, it means that they have no interest in communicating with you. They’ll pay you when THEY get around to it, if they ever do. I do think that it’s safe to say that the more time that goes by without being paid, the less chance you have of ever getting paid.

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A bit baffled here by your statements…

You did a signing in November (assuming 2023) - that was about 90 days ago - and you have already sent them 28 letters?? And Claim they are 90 days overdue??? IMO that’s a bit over the top for attempting to get payment - unless, of course, it’s November, 2022…then it’s believable.

Personally, it’s time to either write them off or take them to court.


I am just on here to let everybody be aware. Not on my technique of trying to recover money owed to me. They were supposed to pay with 30 days and I waited 60. No communication no feedback you are going to get a reminder letter every day. The title company is working with me and yes I have presumed it is a loss. Again, the whole Reason of this was to just make other agents aware.

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Secured Signings Contractor agreement on Snap Docs says: C. Secured Signings, LLC will pay you on a monthly basis, and you should keep record of all signings done each month. Checks are processed and go out on the 15th of each month. For example, for signings completed January 1, 2013 Through January 31, 2013, you will be paid February 15th.
I did a signing on 11/10/2023 and have not been paid yet. It says on Snapdocs I will be paid thru Vendor Pay between 2/20/24 and 2/22/24. Today I got an email thru SD saying payment is on the way and estimated arrival is 8-10 business days.
I have sent them emails and left messages on SD and no response.
I will not work for them again.

I’ve always been paid by them.

Hello ecmnotary,
Which signing company were you taking about, I want to mark down all the bad reputation companies so that I can look them up when accept their job in the future. Thanks!

They are on snap docs and submit payment as late as possible. Although their contract says 30 days , they don’t honor it. I’ve always been paid , just very late more like net 45 than net 30

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