Not Receiving Orders: Unlimited Ink Notary

Good morning guys. I am new to this. But heads up!!! I have disable my profile from Unlimited Ink Notary. Maybe I will activate my profile in the future. I have accepted over 14 orders and I have not received One Approval. I accept the request right away. No respond. You think you will get a respond, but you wait, you wait, and accept another one, and you wait, and wait…Then you might, might receive an email, you also accept, then you wait again, you wait, you wait… It is a waste of time !!! For sure. Besides that their price is very low, you still accept the order, and you wait, you wait, you wait… Christmas will be next year, and you wait… and wait… But not luck. I do not understand. :frowning:

Do a search here for this company and read the feedback - sounds like cutting them loose would be a small loss in the long run.

@montoyawsm Thank you for sharing your direct experience. :partying_face:

It’s always wise to research & vet a new client prior to providing a definitive confirmation to them for your initial Signing Order for them. A great start of research would begin within the Notary Cafe forums Search Function.

Most members find it difficult/nearly impossible to locate the Search Function in order to access the wealth of info available within the database.

To be helpful, I’ve inserted an image for you & others [see below] to help members locate it to unlock the wisdom & knowledge of other members on the forums.

Accessing the database to locate info about potential clients has saved many of us an inordinate amount of time ‘chasing’ payments for Services professionally provided to potential non-payers . . .


Thank you for the info.

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Thank you Linda for your feedback.

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Fear not, what you are experiencing is what I call the learning curve of getting into the loan signing business. As you wait to get your first assignment, keep searching out title companies or signing services to sign up with. Depending on the your geographic area and the number of signing agents that plays a part in getting an assignment. Understand, you are not alone! Stay motivated, you will get a signing order. Tip: keep studying your state statutes, notarial certificates, that way you are on point when those orders start to come. Good luck on your journey.


I called them as well as emailed them to become a preferred notary. They sent a full email of what they require as qualifications. They are partial to Notary2Pro graduates, as well as members of Notary Stars. When I receive an invitation from them for a signing I accept and then immediately call. I’ve gotten signings from them doing this even though I am not a member of Notary Stars. Like most, they are slow with this economy.

Thank you cfletcher.
Thank you for the positve comments and advised.

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Hi Lynda,

Thank you for info. I have disactivated my profiled for a while. It was to much of a waste of time with them. They do have alot of signings. Thats the good thing !!!. But they do waste alot of your time. No even one sigining I received after accepting more than 14 orders, besides that their fees pays low. I still accepted the order. Sometimes you cant complaint if you need to make some $$$… Maybe I will consider activating my profile in the future. Thanks

Are y6ou signed up with snapdocs?

something is dreadfully wrong with those people…and no one speaks English…they sent me the job, and literally called me non stop every 15 minutes to tell me something or check in on me or to check while I was there…then different people would call … then the texting started…it was so out of control. I finally stopped answering them and then they refused to pay me…steer clear!

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