Not so fast Mortgage Connect

I may not be the “sharpest tool in the toolbox”, but today Mortgage Connect got my attention. Received an email with a training powerpoint presentation, regarding “The top 10 most common errors and rejects that are being identified on Spring EQ Closings.” As I have aged over the years, my mind may have loss a few of it’s marbles. But Mortgage Connect is requesting the Loan Signing Agents to sign the signature line for the Settlement Agent on the Addendum to Closing Disclosure. Oh, by the way there’s an attestation statement stating it’s a crime to knowingly make…(big red arrow crossed out part of the statement) but I seen that document so many times to have some ideal of it’s purpose. There’s a warning at the bottom of the page - Oh yeah, another big red arrow block out a portion of the attestation statement too. To me, those arrows looks like “red flags” , needless to say I was able to read the following: “For details see: Title 18 U.S. Code Section 1001 and Section 1010.” Nope, I will not be signing that document. I don’t like enclosed spaces or wearing orange jumpsuits. Why do companies do such things? Ask that we sign our names as the Settlement Agent…

Absolutely not - you are 100% right. We do not sign that. Nor do we “attest” to the validity of the contents of any document.


I think Spring EQ made a mistake on their slide show presentation
I never sign that

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Mortgage Connect sent out message today they messed up. I don’t know what Mortgage Connect is going through but they are also broadcasting lowball rates in my area now and they used to offer ok rates. Did they drink the Kool-Aid ??


They did send a correction email to apologize for the confusion!! We are not to sign that line!!! All on their email list should have gotten that corrected statement! Do I to post here for clarity?


Not necessary ~ Mortgage Connect just needs to get their act together. My gut guess is they are going through business pains because they used to be better organized. Recent business change to low ball offers may be a tell tale sign. We all just need to use or experience and common sense to be on guard for misinformation ~ happens all over these days in every part of life.

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They sent out a corrected email the next day saying the Notary Signing Agent does not sign the Addendum to the Closing Disclosure.

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They did send a correction the next day. That said, when they sent the original email, I sent a response essentially saying that if they would stop with the insulting, low-ball offers that only the worst signing agents would accept, they wouldn’t need to send out these corrective emails pointing out rookie mistakes! I used to do a lot of signings for Mortgage Connect, but $50 for an 80+ page assignment is just ridiculous! I counter every time, and every time someone else takes it at $50. There is no way whoever’s accepting these insulting fees is keeping track of the expenses involved. With paper, toner, gas, and wear and tear on your vehicle, you’re not even eking out minimum wage! Infuriating!


Totally agree with you on the “low ball offers”.


Its good to know someone ekse is catching the change in MC. They used to send low fees, then i would counteroffer avreasonable fee, then i woukd get the assignment. Now they send totally unrealistic fees, i counteriffer, and never hear from them again.


I used to do a lot of work for Mortgage Connect, back in the days when they actually called their notaries. Now they lowball fees and blast out their job offers by phone notifications. I still enjoy the occasional jobs from them. I sure miss the old days when we (the notaries) used to have more of a voice

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Spring EQ have the Borrower sign the Notice of Default on the page ahead of the DOT signatures. I missed that the first time because Lenders leave it blank or expect someone from the Lender side to sign it. Now I scroll through document sets before printing to look for non-standard signatures. I can now do their signings without missing that signature.

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Their blasts are annoying too. With all the hoops we had to jump through t become approved notaries for them, I feel pretty irritated. They don’t want to pay what we are worth. I find it interesting that WE do the work, but THEY rake in the money. The price of everything has gone up but our fees have gone down.

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