I started during COVID and saw some of the best pay outs then compared to now so I disagree. They had more signings than notaries now with things so sloe is when I’m seeing the lowest offers. There’s few signings and a bunch of notaries willing to take anything.
CXChoice used to offer 150-200 no problem now their start is 67 for a refinance… Push back with 95 and they will ignore you for well over an hour increasing by 5.00 till someone takes it.
C2C used to be negotiated with for 125+ now they won’t respond to you at all unless they are desperate for their 75 offer they aren’t willing to budge on easily taking half or more for their company.
Snap used to offer me 6-10 signings a day and could easily negotiate. Now you have only a little wiggle because anyone is willing to take the low ball offer.
Timios won’t negotiate at all, 95 take it or leave it. They even tell you in their emails, do not reply with counter offers.
Amrock, I here from maybe once or twice a month. And they do things weird now. I’ll get calls for stuff directly even though no bulletin was ever sent out.
Just a few examples. I have to sub driving ride share, things are that slow.
You are so wrong about taking low fees to get started. You are not only hurting yourself, the crawl/walk thinkers are dragging fees down for everyone. Please stop peddling this crawl/walk bs. Once you’ve put yourself in the bargain bin, it’s practically impossible to get out. Hiring party will simply move to the next crawl/walk believer.
Fact is, fees charged by TC have gone up a lot since I began @ $150–30 years ago! If they could pay that much then; they sure as heck can do it now. But, why should they when they’ve got way more crawl/walk thinkers out there?
I know it; you know it, but these dumb newbs keep on spreading the stupid. FWIW, there is a difference between stupid and ignorant. The experienced notaries here have taken care of ‘ignorant’ by telling you the truth. So, what’s left is stupid–you now know better so stop spreading the crawl/walk bs. Yeah, I’m on a rant cuz I’m so tired of hearing this.
Fact is, there’s not much biz out there now, so it’s going to go to the most experienced/least expensive notary…usually the closest, too. Newb…you don’t stand a chance UNLESS nobody else wants it…and THEN–cuz you’re their last hope, you can name a decent fee…and they’ll pay it. But you’re still not gonna make 6 figures as there is very little biz now. Believe that, too.
Noticed a recent post by someone BRAND NEW (joined in mid-April 2023) to this forum who stated “none of you have found a way to value your worth.”
Tag that one for the same ‘bin’ you’ve noted above.
Broad-brush stroke INSULT to the ENTIRE audience here on the Notary Cafe forums. Truly reveals that is one member who HASN’T taken advantage of the GOLDMINE database to see ALL the members who DO KNOW their worth.
Arichter, you are geographically near me. I am a newbie and would like to discuss your thoughts on the crawl/walk thinkers. I am just feeling my way around and I certainly don’t want my practices to hurt anyone else. Are you open to a phone con?