Notary Cam - RON Service Onboarding

Not sure if ya’ll were aware but it looks like Notary Cam is onboarding for RON. I want to apply but need guidance on how to put the application forward. Namely the part about the RON NNA training and upload/download speeds etc.

I am asking if anyone is CURRENTLY already onboarded. Meaning if you are not, I’m sorry, but I don’t think your advice applies to what I need right now. Please refrain from adding personal anecdotes. I will ask that we leave the thread for that specific advice. Thank you!

Hey there,

I am not officially onboarded at the moment, but going through the process. I have orientation on Wednesday.

I can say they get thousands of applications and pick only the best are picked.

To be a RON on their platform you must take the NNA RON training for your state as far as upload speeds and computer requirements that’s all listed in the application on how to check and must be submitted when sending the application.

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If I shared my resume with you could give Tips? Private message of course

Yes, and share you signing agent profile link as well. I think you can message on here if not please send to

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I just noticed it’s $99 for onboarding. That’s riduclous! Not to mention it’s $15 per notary seal.

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Check out Blue Notary. That who I am witrh.

Wanted to use NotaryCam because I noticed it’s Fidelity approved RON vendor.

Thx but no thx on the BN. Don’t like the owner and he treats his employees and notaries bad! Used BN for over a year.

I use other RON platforms.

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