Premium Closing Solutions

About 75% of the offers I’m receiving now are from this company….and for ridiculously low fees? Did this company just show up outta the blue and why are are so many title companies using them as a signing service now? I’m sure the answer is related to their low fee offers and notaries accepting their low fees.

125 - 200 here. Just say no thanks to lowballs.

Right there with you! I don’t accept anything <$150. Getting passed over all the time now, but I’m not lowering my fees. They were paying them no problem for the past several years.

Wish I was that lucky. I’m in Seattle and was offered $125 for my fist signing which I did in July 2020 so I started asking for $125. I got $125 for a couple of months. Then late in year I was told that the fee was to high and was offered $65. I counteroffer to $100 and sometimes would agree on $90. Now the norm is $90 with the majority of signing companies I’m signed up with.

Not worth it in my opinion. Seattle cost of living is probably more than or at mimim no less than VT and I could not survive on $90 per signing unless there were many of them and close together.

VT is rurual so my average commute one way to a signing is 1 hour.

1 hour each way plus 30 min signing = 2.5 hrs.
$90\2.5= $36 but that doesn’t account for gas, maintenance, taxes on income or supplies.

So if you were able to get their fee up and worked for them, how is their payment? Do they pay as scheduled or at all?

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