Quitting notarycafe

Folks, Its time to bid adieu to this platform and this life as member of NotaryCafe.
I have since moved into and diversified into different areas. Remember this is NOT a Career , but a Gig. Albeit a full time or Part time. Could it turn into Career ! NOPE … There are too many variables and income is not going to be consistent over months and years. So that said, I wish you all good luck.
I also had disagreements with the management regarding some things I wish to post in forums or Storytime , may be share ideas, income streams, or share a joke. Those are NOT allowed. So I do not wish to be part of platforms where they selectively suppress free speech & suppress positive stories.

Unlike Snapdocs, one cannot delete their profile, So i have asked the management / support to remove mine Good luck to you all and I love you all . May you live long and prosper & Kaplah


Not sure what the issue is - there are several categories that would fall into what you describe - “Story Time” for, I’m guessing, non-notary related issues or the telling of notary experiences (but there’s a category for that too) - also a category for “Jokes”. I’ve never known them to suppress free speech unless the conversation becomes overly contentious.

In any event, good luck in your future endeavors

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Okay take your ball and go home!
Don’t worry the pros are still here making it happen.


I’m sorry you had some bad experiences. And it’s great that you have been able to diversify. There are many of us, like myself, who have made this a career, but it’s not for everyone that’s for sure.

Good luck with your new endeavors!