Really, Any NOTARY LISTING SITE worth paying a fee?

I don’t think so. I think you can just make sure you’re on SnapDocs, SignatureCloser, SigningOrder, Amrock, ServiceLink, MortageConnect, and 6 or 7 more – and I think you’re gonna get as much as there is out there. Which is not much… :frowning:

Not sure about the “tagline - Really, Any NOTARY LISTING SITE worth paying a fee?”. The companies that was mentioned by #decusignexpert1 are known as signing services and no fee is required to signup. As for paying for “Notary Listing Site”, I would consider it a form of advertising and most of the sites may or may not require a subscription fee. I have signed on a few and have gotten referral business. If you wish to get your business promoted to the public to generate business, you have to pay the cost to do so. How effective are these listing sites? That’s the million dollar question, it’s a hit and miss proposition, you have to track each listing sites performance to make a determination.

“How effective are these listing sites? That’s the million dollar question, it’s a hit and miss proposition, you have to track each listing sites performance to make a determination.”

Concur :100: percent with @cfletcher 's statement above . . . as it mirrors my direct experience over an interval of more than a decade.

Here are a few helpful insights:

  • Marketing is required to have a successful business
  • Marketing costs can be expensive
  • The Return on Investment [ROI] is a determination that ONLY you can make for your region & your business AFTER you’ve compiled the data from the results of marketing your professional services
  • It’s IMPORTANT to pose the following query to your clients/potential clients : “How did you find me?” ===>>> WHY QUERY? Because it’s information that you need & information that is 'not important’ to your clients/potential clients. So, you must ASK for it!


You may also find additional helpful information in this separate thread:



I don’t pay to be listed on the sites. Many are a waste of time and money.


Well said, I wouldn’t pay to be on any site.


I pay to be listed on three sites, Notary Cafe (have gotten me one or two leads) Notary Rotary and 123. The last two continue to pay for themselves year after year. I got a call from a small settlement company (in my state but not local at all) last week. Even though the signing was on the outer edge of my service area, I was the first paid member for that zip code. There were issues (buyer was traveling from out of state and double booked himself) but my flexibility and willingness to do what it took, landed me a client. And yes, I know for a fact that there are other experienced NSAs that were closer but don’t list themselves there. While talking with the company after the job was done, I was able to let them know how I could assist with RON if the sellers were unavailable to attend the closing. The check is coming in today’s mail. I also anticipate a call from the LO to assist with a POA in the future.


That is great. I didn’t know that 123 Notary was still around.

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