Request from a new notary


I am a new notary signing agent in California (Contra Costa County). I keep receiving text notifications for signing jobs that rarely turn into assignments. Please let me know how to optimize signing business as a signing agent.

The NNA courses I have completed are:
1/ How to Succeed as a Notary Signing Agent Training
2/ NSA Certification Training and Exam
3/ Notary Quick Start: A Hotline Benefit

Also, please let me know what are the best signing service platforms that are important to sign up. I received an email from that I tried to sign up and found $45 as the fee per year. Other signing services I signed up:

  1. Scandoc
    Your help will be highly appreciated.

@brmanandharnotary Have you seen this thread?


FYI: There is immediately available information found within the Notary Cafe database on myriad topics.

This information is a GOLDMINE!

Most members express that they find it difficult/NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to locate the Search Function in order to access the wealth of information available within the database.

To be helpful, I’ve inserted an image for you & others [see below] to help members locate it to unlock the wisdom & knowledge of other members on the forums.


Accessing the database to locate information about potential clients has saved many of us an inordinate amount of time ‘chasing’ payments for Services professionally provided to potential non-payers . . . :crown:


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Newb or years of experience
makes no difference, we all get the SAME offers. There are just way too many notaries for the way too little business available. SnapDocs & Signing Order are the only very popular platforms for hiring parties This (NC pre-dates all the others) & NNA/Signing Agent are the most popular Directories (Lists). ALL have pretty much the same notaries. Do not pay for anything else. There is no magic or secret way to increase your business via any of these (except working at a loss & thinking you can increase your fee later–nope, hiring party will just move on to next cheapie newb).

Sorry, but the get-rich-quick NSA ship left port long ago and is now a not-very-profitable side gig for a little bit of pocket money.


@brmanandharnotary This insight is the “missing secret” . . .

The snake-oil salesman hawking his wares on YouTube & TikTock blasting out how to make “6-figures” overnight has never been true in most states across the US and now isn’t true in those few states where it previously was true . . .

As @Bobby-CA said in my post above: “Today, the cupboard is bare. The refi boom is largely over and economic conditions in the U.S. are lousy and getting worse. I’m sorry to have to say so. Don’t wait around, get out”

This may not be what you want to hear ("Don’t wait around, get out”), but it is the unadulterated truth that is EASILY VISIBLE across this forum (and several others) with so many new to this business sector posing the identical query.


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This is a tough time to break into the business. Many companies that were paying decent amounts before are now offering laughable rates. There are a lot of notaries out here, but I know many are tired of the low fees being offered, and are going on to something more lucrative or simply reasonable. If you want to make it as a notary, you need to research the signing companies, look up their websites, and apply to be a notary for them. Make sure you sign up and have your name on the directories for the NNA website, Notary Rotary and Notary Cafe. There are some others, but these three are solid. There are a lot of other companies asking for a fee to get you amazing jobs. I broke down initially and paid one of them. Never heard anything from them until a year later, when they were asking for my annual renewal. Never received a single job from them. Be careful with that. Be proactive and patient. Interest rates are going down now and it can pay off for you. Good luck.

@itsmarit :gem: Thank You. So very True! :clap:


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