RON in Texas?

I’ve learned that Houston, TX is saturated with many NSAs. What about RON? Do any of you know if NSAs with RON abilities in Houston are busier than traditional ones?
Thank you in advance for your knowledge!!

I’m in the Houston area. I’ve been a RON for about a year and have received only one request. I was out of state at the time so was unable to assist and referred them to Notarize. I’m not actively marketing right now so there may be more available if I were. Good luck!

Thank you for your reply, Ms. hlwoizeschke !
Wow! Only one request in a year… How about the regular Notary Signing Agent assignment? Have you received many during the year?

Good to see some Texas Notaries from Houston.

I’m in the Austin area and 80% of my day is spent on RON’s now. While the real estate side is WAY slow right now (I literally used to LIVE in my car), title companies and even signing services are connecting with me for RON projects, mostly. On another note, I have almost a decade in this and with the saturation in Texas and decreased business, companies are reaching out directly to those with years of experience to avoid the headache of errors and funding delays. I feel so annoyed when I see companies advertising false promises to newer notaries. It took years to get where I am and with the way the market and saturation are, I’m even struggling some weeks. I always tell newer notaries, “don’t quit your day job, just yet” :woman_shrugging:t4:


@shongantnotary Concur :100: percent that it takes years to achieve a level of success (it’s a marathon, not a sprint) and with saturation as well as ‘struggling.’ Of course, there may be a sprinkling of markets in one region or another that may have some volume; i.e., the mass exodus from CA.

Many of us sages regularly share these jewels of wisdom to those who bought the ‘sizzle’ from the ‘six-figure spiel guy,’ but who are left ‘wanting’ for any steak . . .

We can share the pearls of wisdom, but that is as far as it can go. Each business owner must make their own evaluation & game plan.


TO ALL MEMBERS: Some members who are new to this business sector will blatantly create threads on the Notary Cafe forum ADVERTISING their services with the full links to their website, email, phone, etc., etc., etc. This is certainly not only in poor form professionally, but also inappropriate for this venue and unprofessional.

Be kind to your fellow business owners and avoid insulting them by engaging in this type of forum activity. Thank you.
