Serenity Signing - Part of Another Company?

Hello all, Is Serenity Signings part of another company? If so, what company (SnapDoc, DoCloud, etc.?

Went to sign up and was asked if I want to transfer my profile to them?

Thanks in advance.

'TRANSFER’ your profile??? Strange concept. Sorry but I’ve no clue as to your real question.

I believe this is Brenda, who used to be with Direct Title in Florida and she branched out on her own. Direct Title was acquired by another entity some time ago (I don’t recall who). Search here…several have worked for Serenity…some happy, some not.

@odaversa Regarding the Search Function within the Notary Cafe database . . .

Most members express that they find it difficult/NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to locate the Search Function in order to access the wealth of information available within the database.

To be helpful, I’ve inserted an image for you & others [see below] to help members locate it to unlock the wisdom & knowledge of other members on the forums.

I’ve performed a cursory Search on your behalf and the results show 41 separate threads (in addition to yours) about this particular topic. There is a plethora of data immediately available on the threads within Notary Cafe. :sparkles::tulip:


Accessing the database to locate information about potential clients has saved many of us an inordinate amount of time ‘chasing’ payments for Services professionally provided to potential non-payers . . . :crown:


Thank you, Linda, for your feedback.

To clarify - it was Direct Title or Direct Closers…I forget which (leaning toward DC) - all I know is they, and Brenda, were great to work with - at the time great pay, reliable and swift payment. I liked her

Serenity Signing is located in Marlton NJ and uses Notary Dash as their platform. Done work with them over past 6-8 months no problem so far. They seem to do alot of work for Foundation and Commonwealth title companies. These companies have remote sites that are unmanned with basic equptment in them.

Gary, thank you for your feedback.

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