Is anyone familiar with Docs2Go, LLC
I have never heard of them.
I have not heard of Docs2Go, LLC. However, be careful not to confuse the name with NotaryGo, a completely different signing service that you may want to avoid. As a notary, I have not used NotaryGo, however I was told the assignments are typically from banks. The notaries are paid $25 for the entire day, not per notarization.
@petersenc803 Thank you for sharing your direct experience. Would that even cover the out-of-pocket gas expense/turnpike fees, etc.?
WoW! That’s UNBELIEVABLE that any business entity would pay a mere $25 for the entire day. Simply shocking . . .
Seriously??? That would be a hard “NO!” for me…jeez louise
I have done two assignments for them. Both were one documents signings $65 each. Keith Steward is the business owner and from what I understand he is a mobile notary that is now becoming a signing company. For the first job, I sent a reminder to be paid after 30 days and he sent me an echeck 10 days later. For the second job which was 3/15 I just sent him a reminder for payment as I haven’t received it yet. Since the communication isn’t prompt and I have had to send reminders twice now the company does not have a high rating for me.
@bohardnotary Thank you for sharing your direct experience. This is helpful to many members!
I received an echeck this morning and a phone call after my email reminder.
Thank you for providing this information.
Yes, it’s unbelievable! They try to attract new notaries who are unaware of their low fees and excited about taking on assignments. Almost immediately after signing up, I began receiving a flurry of emails, which I had to block.
That’s not my experience with Notary Go. I get $60-80 per HELOC signings. You are correct it is banks and normally I met the signers at the bank to complete the signing. Also the HELOC’s are never more than 30 pages.
That’s interesting. I didn’t work with NotaryGo. Given that after signing up with them, I started to receive multiple emails per day with the same line included “Document type – “mystery for half a day at $25.” It seemed odd that they’d refer to the assignment as a “mystery,” so I sought feedback from other notaries (Sorry, I wasn’t aware of Notary Café at the time).
I have used Docs-2-go twice. I’ve come to know the owner, Keith Steward. I will work with them again. They pay within 30 days and by direct deposit. They even send you an ACH form in order to keep that info. on file.
Just be sure that when you’re sending email with attachments to keep the files small, perhaps even one page a at a time if it’s a small file. It would appear that their email system can’t handle large files as attachments.
But, overall, I liked them.
As an update, I just completed my3rd assignment for Docs-2-go this morning.It went totally smooth. They quoted well for it and promised to pay 30 days from the scan in date (today). We’ll see. But I do have confidence in them.
This is not notary go that you are replying to its Docs2go
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