Signers not responding to confirm

I have a signing tomorrow morning. I left two voicemails and the signers have not responded. Neither has the signing company. Proceed?

Check docs for signer’s e-mail or send a text, ask hiring party for additional contact info or to have them or LO have signers call you. Also ask what their policy is for no shows. Then, if not full fee, tell 'em that’s YOUR policy and to CONFIRM full fee regardless of outcome in writing.
To answer your actual question… I won’t go without an Appt. confirmation with signers OR that SS will pay full fee regardless of outcome. Many pay either 1/2 or less and are negotiable on that point.

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@carrieh0829 Great question! :tada:

ANSWER: Proceed with caution & ensure that ALL instructions are in WRITING.

Here is the Plan of Action [POA] that I implement in this type of instance with lack of communication with the Signers/Borrowers [BOs]:

  • Once documents are received, compare the phone number on the Signing Order to the phone number(s) on the 1003/Loan Application. Often, there is a TYPO in the transcription or a PREVIOUS number is present on the SO that the BOs no longer have/utilize.
  • If there is an email address on the 1003/Loan Application, send one to the BOs requesting signing appointment confirmation.
  • Do a Google Search on their names & address (located on the 1003/Loan Application) to match the numbers found online with the numbers within the SO as there could be a TYPO in transcription.
  • Send an email to the hiring entity advising of the lack of response & request specific instructions regarding how they’d like you to proceed.
  • Remind the hiring entity of the company policy regarding payment in FULL of the SO Fee for a “No Show” status of the BOs.
  • When the hiring entity responds back with instructions of how they’d like you to proceed, Respond back in writing & reiterate the company policy regarding payment in FULL of the SO Fee for a “No Show” status of the BOs.

You’ll have actual out-of-pocket expenses if you proceed, so garnering everything in writing will ensure remuneration for those expenses.

Best Wishes!


@carrieh0829 Understand that the SO is scheduled for today.

What actions were you able to implement?

What results did you achieve?

Thanks for your update when you have a moment to share & care.


The company gave me the signers email and I was able to confirm finally. Thank you all!