Signing Agent Fees

I am a new Signing Agent and am not sure on fees as it pertains to the following:
Reverse Mortgage
I was signing up on Signing and these were questions asked. Any help here?

The only commonality I see is all of these are usually large packages to print. They often call a Purchase with Loan just a Purchase. (If there is no loan, less paperwork…tricky, they are.)

@Faithedwards when I first started, I searched for other signers (on in my area to see what they were charging and made my fees comparable.

Personally I have stopped accepting bare minimum fees. And I sometimes ask for fees adjustments if page count is over 200.

Lately, I rarely, if ever, see an initial fee offered by a company that doesn’t mean it would cost you more to do the job than you’ll receive…maybe…30 days later.


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