Signing Services of America are great to work with


I have worked with the Signing Services of America for several years and they pay Notaries fast and reasonable for loan Signings. I recommend them to all Notaries.

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I have worked with this company for 4 years. They are terrrific. The fees are fair. If you feel that the fee is too low ,they will be fair. They pay quickly. They help new notaries with lessons every Tuesday night.

I wish all our agencies were like them

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Are there any bots in the room?


Hello Jerome, how would I sign up to work with Signing Services of America? Kind regards, Ruth

@utahsignsecure Ruth, please know that it’s paramount to your success to activate your “critical thinking skills” when considering accepting Signing Orders [SOs] from a client - whether Title/Escrow Companies [T/ECs], Signing Services [SSs], Attorneys, etc.

===>>> There are some SSs that have built a NON-PAYMENT reputation and then will hire a ‘newbie’ to this business sector. Tangentially, the SS will advise the new Professional Signing Agent [PSA] that they will send LOTS of SOs their way if the new PSA provides a glowing review on the forum . . .

The new PSA usually ISN’T cognizant that the business entity has a track record of NON-PAYMENT and they’ll accept the SO from the SS & subsequently post a SUPERB note about the SS.


This thread appears to be a specific instance in that regard . . .


The onus is upon you to perform at a minimum a cursory Search of the immediately available information found within the Notary Cafe database on the topic. This is your FIRST STEP to avoid chasing after payment for your professional services successfully provided.

Of course, if there are no results, create a new thread querying the Notary Cafe members.

The information within the Notary Cafe database is truly a GOLDMINE!

Most members express that they find it difficult/NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to locate the Search Function in order to access the wealth of information available within the database.

To be helpful, I’ve inserted an image for you & others [see below] to help members locate it to unlock the wisdom & knowledge of other members on the forums.

I’ve performed a cursory Search on your behalf and the results show at least 10 separate threads (in addition to this one) about this particular topic. There is a plethora of data immediately available on the threads within Notary Cafe. :sparkles::tulip:

You can search with additional keyword combinations to gather more data on this business entity.


Accessing the database to locate information about potential clients has saved many of us an inordinate amount of time ‘chasing’ payments for Services professionally provided to potential non-payers . . . :crown:


Thanks Frank. We look forward to continuing our great partnership. We’ve got a new HECM client, that has begun sending us HECM loan apps in your state. We’ll be calling you soon.

Thanks for the kind words!

Come to our Tuesday night NSA Zoom call 6-7pm est. Go to our Facebook page. The Zoom link is in the 1st post. See you then.

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