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It’s not worth it, but it’s only 2.99 so I don’t really care. If it helps at some point, great. If not, whatever, it’s only 3 bucks/month. I’ll get rid of it once I fully transition out of doing signings in a few months.

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Got it. Thanks for your insight. Just curious, are you transitioning out of loan signings and into more GNW or transitioning out of the business entirely?

Oh, I’m trying to get off this sinking ship lol. Fully. The whole industry has been thrown on its head and signing services have lost their minds with no hope of recovering them. Doesn’t matter how good you are, there’s not much out there. I’m just doing it while I apply and interview for other jobs at this point. It was fun while it lasted.


I hear you. It’s a bit rough out there and some of these signing services should be ashamed of themselves. :laughing:

But I’ll stick it out for now and let other income sources pick up the slack. I wish you good fortune, wherever your path should lead.

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Thanks man. You, too! I totally feel you. If you can figure out a way to make it work for yourself, then I say go for it. It definitely beats working for some bosses out there, depending on how much you can consistently make.

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I recently signed up with and I’ve been utilizing their job board on NotaryResume, it’s only been two days but out of the 33 I responded to I was picked for 3 signings. I’m glad I signed up before seeing these comments because I probably would have been hesitant. It’s unfortunate to hear that so many have had little to no luck. I’m not exactly sure how their algorithm works but I will say you do have to stay on the site constantly (literally every five minutes or so) refreshing the page. Wishing everyone the best of luck!

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congrats on being a preferred notary :sunglasses::watermelon:

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Thank you Jenn! I truly appreciate it. What signing services have you had luck with? Fairly new and love to learn from my fellow Notary’s!

check out loan depot

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Thanks, I’m looking into it now. I appreciate the advice!