Solicit local companies

Hello I recently purchase a lot of business cards and want to go to my specific audience looking for the services I provide.

Who should I and solicit?
How do I do it to build a relationship and get the company to let me keep my business cards there for their customers

@collin In general, most do find building a business within this business sector to be a MARATHON, not a sprint. It’s hard work!

Well, that is unless you live in a region that isn’t already saturated with Trained, Certified, & experienced Professional Signing Agents [PSAs] who are also seeking Signing Orders OR if you have a family member who works at a Title/Escrow Company [T/EC]. :wink: In those scenarios (and a few others), you may find it to be a BREEZE!

As a fellow business owner, I’d like to guide you to enhance your business acumen specifically with these 2 direct url links.

These two links, plus the other links I provided to you in July, should give you an excellent overview for creating a stratagem for business development.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Seeking Advice: Getting clients for RON notary work