Something new

So ive pretty mush stopped doi g loan signings. Just too.much time and effort involved for so little pay.

But these past few weeks have brought me a new source of business that is working out pretty well. A local investment firm contacted ne llast week asking my to do a one page doicument about 5 minutes from my house. I did the document and they paid on the spot. Since then the volume is steadily increased and today i did 4 signings all within 15 minutes of my house for the same investment firm. Its still not a lot of money but i do not expect to get rich bring a notary. Tge last 3 signings of the day were all in one place with 3 people from the same family. 15 minutes there. 15 minutes for the signing. $50 fee and back home


I’m curious, what kind of documents are you notarizing? How much does the state you live in allow you to charge per signature? Do you charge any mobile/travel fees and if not, why not?

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I work in two states. Tennessee i can charge 25.00 per stamped page. There is no restriction on what i can charge for time and travel. In virginia i cam charge 5.00 per stamped document. Again no restriction on time and travel. Where it gets tricky is if someone wants to come to my business i have to go by the basic far everyonev has had me to come to them. I keep the fee reasonable abd its based on how far i havd to travel. If travel time involves an hour 1 charge $100. If it involves more travel i charge more. But when im charging that amount for travel i dont charge anymore for the stamp. Sometimes it gets complicated. I once traveled 2 hours one way. Did the signing and had to drive 45 minutes in the opposite direction to find a post Office rhat was open on saturday then come home. But we had an understanding and i was paid 250 in advance

Im doing all kinds of documents. A lot of power attorneys, affidavit of heirship, car titles. Over the weekend i did 3 jurats. So far ive done only one marriage. All of the documents ive done require one notarization. Im listed on google so i get local business that was generated in another state for a family member here. Most if the out of state calls come from california and texas and florida

I operate in 16 counties in tennessee and virginia. But im getting calls from kentucky to do notary work there. Obviously i cznnot ho where im commissioned. But the market is there. My leads come from google bing and yelp. At this point nobody has complained about the price. I operate 24hours and am able to meet people on their terms

Best wishes

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David, Good for you in branching out your business. You turned into lemons into lemonade. Just keep building these branches of income. In the end, you might be the one laughing all the way to bank.
You might want to use the client (as a referral) to sign up more financial firms.