State and County at Top of Page Acceptable?

I have seen several documents (such as POAs) where the State and County are listed at the top of the page and the rest of the notarial wording is at the bottom of the page. Do I need to write the state and county again at the bottom of the page with the rest of the notarial certificate or does this depend on state?

I have never seen a POA format like that - usually I see that format on Affidavits.

That said - here in FL there are 10 elements required for our certs - one of which is Venue (State and County) - so even if this info appeared at the top of the page, I would print it in just above the notarial wording…can be inserted in two ways.

State of _________________
County of _______________

or if space is limited at bottom of page:

State of __________________/ County of ______________________

JMO and just how I do it in FL

I believe it depends on the state.