Is anyone receiving steady loan signing/closing work right now? I know things aren’t incredibly busy in my area (Maryland). Just curious if things are busy in other places. Thanks
Nope… imagine it’s pretty slow everywhere. Slowest, nobody has volume market I’ve ever seen in 25 years. Arkansas is down 90% for all types. Think I’ve had 2 refis this year. Most of what’s come in is seller pkgs…and not a lot of those.
No this is the slow season for 33 years what I would always do in the slow season I would market I will call around to find out who is coming and who is going so I will make sure I will be on the list as a Signing Agent
I am in Maryland and I have constant work. I turn down more than I can handle.
As I understand in Maryland to close Real Estate transactions one has to be an attorney or a loan originator. If this is the case it puts you in a unique situation that most of the rest of us don’t have. It goes back to the supply/demand curve where scarcity leads to higher fees and more work for those with the right credentials.
Correction: need to be a TPL, Title Producer License, " Professional license required: The Maryland Insurance Administration issued Bulletin 16-34 clarifying that persons conducting a real estate closing must hold a title insurance producer license. Under the Insurance Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland 10-101(m), a title insurance producer independent contractor who is under the supervision of a licensed and bonded title insurance producer may also perform real estate closings.
Thanks to LindaH-FL for pointing out this error.
@RiverpointeTax my understanding - not a loan originator - need TPL to close loans in MD
Happy to hear that. Is all of your work loan closings and if so is it direct with title companies or with signing companies?
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