There are 4 main types of notarization. Which one of these 4 types do you do the most and what are your fees?

Not necessarily. I used to get assignments from Old Republic Title directly and they were never more than $95, not even a $100; their packages exceeded 175 pages and sometimes they require scanning depending on the lender. I emailed them my frustration, I said you don’t use a middle person to find the notary, you charge upward of $250 for notary fee; I do all the work, why then do you split the notary free? Do we ask you to split your escrow fee or title fee with us? But the fault is not theirs, the fault is on the notary who doesn’t respect himself or herself and accept those ridiculous offers.

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Those fees are all Amrock fees no other signing service offers those fees. And when you chose those fees on your dashboard you do not get many signings. Amrock controls which signings they may send you.

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I use to refer to Super Notaries as success bombers; Success bombing the term coined for the need someone has to show off their success. When an outlier tries to “encourage” others it comes off as insulting. We had another one who bragged about how busy he was and how much money he was pulling in. We later discovered he was an attorney working in an attorney only state.


Good bye! Even if you meant well you were “show boating” .

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