This is my first signing with

This is my first signing with and they have sent me an email stating to reply to their email once I confirm the appointment (which I have) and have properly logged my notary calendar and added to the signing as scheduled. Since this is new for me, how and where do I properly log my notary calendar for this signing?

Thank you!

When I accept assignments right after it asks me if I want to add it to my Google calendar, and on appointment date not only reminds me, but Google maps GPS gets me there. I believe is whatever application you want to use.
Good luck in your first assignment… and remember to review the whole packet before you leave

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Hi there! Thanks for your response to my above question. Sooooooo, next thing I am trying to understand is how to fill out my Printing Expense Schedule C in my Signing Agent Log. I see it states “total number of pages multiplied by your cost to print”. It seems I’m not quite understanding just yet how that works. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face: