Good day notary family!
A quick question, I’m sure some of you LSA have worked with Timios, but how was the experience? Good or bad? I’ve been reached out to complete a signing for them but never heard of the company.
Thank you in advance.
Good day notary family!
A quick question, I’m sure some of you LSA have worked with Timios, but how was the experience? Good or bad? I’ve been reached out to complete a signing for them but never heard of the company.
Thank you in advance.
Legit. Good company.
Search here - been discussed, and if memory serves me not all favorable reviews.
P.S. - no personal experience here
Timios was bought out in January, 2021 by So, who knows anymore.
I received one yesterday and confirmed but never heard back with the fee and documents. No response with my follow up either.
Edit: I did get one from them and then 9 more this week!!
They pay within 2 weeks and are easy to work with… They have different levels of pay and the more you do the more you move to the next level. They start at $90.
After company buyout Jan 21 their paperwork organization is a mess when Carrington and Timios working together. I just fired them after printing 470 pages packet with numerous forms duplicated and information not applicable to signers. Signers are also complaining that they have signed same docs online with docusign at least 3 times prior to my arrival. One signer had to continually explain that he was not employed and retired when continually being asked for proof of employment. This couple said they would never do business with them again.
i get 200+ for refi’s from them
The same thing happened to me last werk.
They contacted me for a job but my issue with them was I couldn’t reach any of the contacts including the Lender representative. While at the borrowers home they had some questions about some discrepancies on the Docs. Funny thing is the lender would answer the borrowers calls at the table during the time of signing but when I would call and leave messages I wouldn’t get a response at all. I went as far as contacting the settlement agent, still no response. The only contact I had was when the scheduler sent the info and asked if I was available for the job. If I have any issues with the pay I can’t work for them again.
Years ago I look forward to working with Timios. They paid very well; all but 1 of the jobs I did for them paid $175+ and with extra travel up to $450. Then they started working through SS and I have not done a job for them because of low fees.
They reached out to me also before I got started and asked me to fill out their paperwork. I did, but was unable to take the one they asked. They haven’t reached out since. So far it’s been 5 weeks. However, for a while there I was busy enough and didn’t pay any attention that I haven’t gotten any offers from them.
I have accepted a refi signing for tomorrow. Docs has 150 pages husband and wife. But there are 13 notarizations required on each, total of 26, it is little too many.
Bad news. Stay away.
That would explain the sudden change in signing fees and responsiveness. They’ve been one of my regular clients.
Hi so I have did like 20 signings for them FINALLY just terminated my contract with them they send you 220+page docs for 90 bucks oh but that’s not the only kicker I also drove an hour to get to the couple in the mountains.I just did my last signing with them because they then email me not call 3 weeks later saying the couple needs to write the trustee verberaige the couple says we didn’t do that the last 5 times they pulled out old copies all under a year and they were telling the truth so timios emails me saying it needs to be corrected i said great have them e- sign it.5 days after 4 repeated emails asking for 30 new pages to be signed or they can’t get funded for the loan ok again no notary stamps/signatures are missed!A week now after all this I get a phone call rudest lady ever threatening my business saying she’s going to put bad comments on notary boards about my business if I don’t go back and get it corrected and mind you the job was for 110 hour away 250 pages.Now they get really pushy has another rep call me and claims to be a supervisor he says you do a lot of business for us I said not really because every assignment usually go wells but the packages are huge you are not honest about your page count and I’m supposed to run around like a chicken with his head cut off.I was so disappointed but it was far over due these companies get closer yo the 400 dollar range for evey package they get abd now they are not even budging to let you try and negotiate forget about.I told him I’m not going back after a hole month they have been after me I told them to send someone else out right since its so important and my schedule is too full to even get out oh but no they don’t want yo pay someone else to go out there they rather keep the money themselves after all the harassment they gave me that is what it boils down to they do not like to pay you more than 90-110 for hour plus trips and docs that are always over 210 pages I told the so called supervisor who wasn’t one by the way it’s better for my business to not do business with you guys any longer and just to test I said
what would be the fee to go back to correct those he says no fee you should just fix the situation I say that’s a two way feature he said you should do it for free so come to find out the couple has bo computer I say they have i phones and e-signed a ton of docs already he says forget you then i hung up A week later they tried to keep me on assignment i emailed them 3 days prior to cancel this order as we are no longer doing business😂Not worth the headache they are a struggling company no boards have anything positive really about these guys I was warned didn’t listen but I got it now so companies are bot worth the headache and stress when running your company😃
I have worked with Timios for over 10 years. I love them. They offer $90 but you can negotiate. I just keep the $90 offers to locations close by.
Hearing this response makes me wonder, I did a signing for them back in February and I still have not received my check and its April, when I do get a response by email, it really vague. The pay seems to be good but what good is this if you can’t get paid and can’t get a response. If I don’t hear something soon, I am going to take other avenue to get my money because this doesn’t make sense