WARNING: My Mobile Closer - Non Payment - Notaries Beware

Keep your antenna up about the economy. I anticipate bankruptcies of many agencies in 2023 that happened in 2008. They won’t pay up. If they have any complaints in their history of not paying, I don’t take the work. In fact I have my trustworthy few so I no longer accept work from unknown agencies.


You and I are on the same page. I see a trend of some of the SS that used to pay net 30 changing the terms to net 45 or 60 days. This makes me a little nervous when they do this. Makes me wonder if they are having cash flow issues during this downturn. I pause before accepting assignments from new companies that i have not businesses with in the past and my spider senses start to tingle when i see net 60 on the payment terms.


I started in 2008 around the time of the real estate collapse. They were far worse back then since the former economy for notaries were paid double or more for signings. The agencies shafted not paying prior to filing bankruptcy.

This is why it’s important to check the reputation of agencies and keep the good agencies you’ve worked with as priority. The agencies can start undercutting notary fees in their bids for packages during hard times while increasing the sizes up to 200 pages significantly. I witnessed millions of dollar loans that they underpay the notary due to lowball bidding.

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I am in the same boat as it relates to non-payment. I have done work for them in the past and never had to worry about getting paid. I did call the title company associated with the signing to see if they have another telephone number associated with this business. Anyway, I performed a signing for them in Feb. 7, 2023 and yet to be paid. Could you share that email address with me.


Did you ever get the email address for My Mobile Closer? If so, can you send it to me. My email address is jferris.sage@gmail.com. I am a notary located in south Florida.



@Notary.MS Perchance did you see the note in the post just above to you?


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