I just started executing NSA work and I’ve managed to receive and complete my first signing!!! All went well but now I’m in a limbo of not getting another assignment because I’m not available or they don’t accept my fee. What are some tips to starting and building a successful business and earning more income?
Congratulations on achieving your 1st one. I’m still awaiting my 1st job. I’ll be on the lookout for answers to your questions.
Thank you! I have a profile with Notary Resume and I’ve been picking up assignments there. This industry is very competitive and you have to be quick on that platform. I check it and refresh the dashboard frequently to see if there’s any assignments near me that I can select. Also, making sure that you select to receive notifications by text.
Here is a thread recently posted
There is potential in this business, but at the same time there are SERIOUS CHALLENGES. I recommend looking at older threads\conversations on notarycafe
@delvallenotary Welcome! You may find MUCH HELPFUL data within this thread:
This is an actual snapshot of why you are having such experience. I recently sent in a fee schedule increase to a signing service/title company. This was their response: “We can make the update for you. Please note though, that your market is saturated already, and if you are priced higher than the average, the likelihood of receiving closing orders decreases based on the allocation logic.” In essence, supply (loan orders volume) is down, while the demand (oversaturation of NSAs) for loan assignments are high. It seems the human element is being removed, companies are relying on “allocation logic and algorithms” to sent out their signing orders. Even when I have talked with and actual person, they have limits in the negotiation process. Here’s an article that may help you in your endeavor, it is called " Surviving a Saturated Market: Differentiation Strategies That Work" (https://www.strategicadvisorboard.com/blog-posts/surviving-a-saturated-market-differentiation-strategies-that-work). If you want to discuss strategic growth opportunities, please contact me.
I agree the companies like notary stars and loan signing agent the youtubers that say come make a quick buck.Take my training and pay me hundreds of dollars for no reason. They are the problem sucking in all these new people thinking they’re going to make a quick buck. And looking at it like hey, I make ten dollars an hour now.I can make forty five dollars in an hour doing a signing. Not taking into consideration gas paper, ink, everything that we know costs us money. I am lucky to be somewhere where there is not a lot of competition but I see the fees. Come by and I laugh in disgust, and frankly, I want to write back to them.And I have before saying this is embarrassing and rude that you would offer me such a low amount to do this job.That’s an hour away.
Thank you for this thread. I read through it and found this very helpful and informative.
@delvallenotary You are most Welcome!
Hi Kianna, keep reading through the threads in this forum. Lots of helpful information.
Hello Carl, I read the article and I agree that providing a superior customer experience is key. We can’t really innovate but can look into broadening our product base. I am not interested in performing marriage ceremonies, but it is there for the taking. Apostille seems promising but the need to courier the packages to the respective agencies is daunting when living hours away. I think a workaround is hiring a courier to do the driving instead, or possibly mailing with a SASE enclosed. I’m not sure if that is acceptable. Any Apostille type of work I’ve done, the document delivery was handled by the signer so the max fee is the travel fee and number of notarizations. It is disheartening that many of the signing platforms are going with an automated system. I have taken some assignments and asked for an increase if the package or work is more than advertised. I have lost assignments this way but about the same result it my increased fee.
I don’t rely on business cards because after printing 1,500 of them over the years I’ve had only three call back. In the past few years without business cards, I still get private call back orders based on texts I’ve sent to the signers. They must have added me to their contacts.
We still do not have RON in my state so much of what I’ve done involves the mobile side of signing services.
Been lurking for a bit and now it’s my second post in a week. Sorry this question on printers is a bit off topic but a search upper right only gives outdated info. In 2025 do we have a consensus on the best printer for our efforts? I’m actually surprised there is not more discussion as printers are so integral to our lives. I would like to get ahead of this before my existing equipment fails. Thanks.
@Tfmoore2001 Here’s a thread with a recent post from one-year ago.
Some Professional Signing Agents [PSAs] strongly recommend the brand of Brother Multi-Function printers.
Some other PSAs say that HP is the best.
Of course, there are others who say Xerox is the best.
You don’t mention the printer brand that is currently servicing your clients. I’d start with the brand you’re familiar with & reach out to their technical department for assistance/guidance in this regard.