What is with people and their pets!

Exactly! I guess people want to be sued. I was baffled at pet owners lack of protecting themselves from a lawsuit. All they have to do is just put the D… pets up or, put them outside until signing over. I would rather just put my pet up than risk them bitting someone… :woman_facepalming:


No, but didn’t you know…“He won’t bite.” That’s pet owners famous last words. My response is, “He has teeth and he does not know me from Adam!”


LOVE dogs more than I like most people! However, I always say anything with teeth bite! Out of respect, its the pets home.

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I will never understand people and their doggies. Such preference and deference is given to those furry animals. Consider this:

I am a professional and I am a guest in the signers’ home.
I arrive on time, dressed very well, clean, organized and ready to do my job.
I am there to help the signers with a critically important transaction that they’ve been working on for months.
I ask only for a clean space for an hour to conduct a complex signing that would befuddle most other people, including the signers.
If it wasn’t for my skill, training, preparation and perseverance, the deal would not get done in the efficient manner I bring to their household.

So, is it too much to expect that, in consideration of me as their guest, the signers could put away their barking canines for an hour. I would so appreciate not being licked, sniffed, bumped, growled at and nuzzled by a strange creature that I may be allergic to, frightened of and otherwise NOT as fond of as their owners may be. One hour, that’s all I ask.

I’m not cranky. . .

I’m not grumpy.

What happened to respect for a visitor in the home?

Ahh, but I just smile and pet ol’ Fido and say what a nice pet y’all have there. Ohh, no, I don’t have a dog, ma’am. No, no pets at all. Where shall I set up for the signing? By the doggie bed? Sure, no worries. This’ll only take about an hour.

Woof. :wink:


So true! :joy:

NSA bag check:
Reading glasses, loan docs, stamp, journal, blue&black pens, business cards, paper clips, APA certs, Ipad, Iphone, Airpods, cable & charger, baby wipes, signing mats, ups/fedex folders and sleeves, hand sanitizer, vinyl gloves, mask, house slippers, OH YEAH LINT BRUSH!!!

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THIS IS A BUSINESS, LET’S NOT LOSE SIGHT OF THAT. SOME COMPANIES DON’T WANT YOU TO COMMENT ON A CLIENTS HOUSE LET ALONE PET THIER ANIMALS AND GIVE THEM TREATS. WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON?? RESPECT THE BUSINESS TRANSACTION. When I had a signing in my house, my first thought was I want the SA to feel comfortable during the process. Not, Hey, you have to pet my dog, cat, snake and give them treats so that I can feel better. Ya’ll got the game messed up!!!

By the way, great summary!! The girl talking about she hopes to meet some pups, speaks for herself. She might meet the wrong one. Something like the large dog, a client was barely holding back from attacking me. She was struggling and I was a nervous wreck. She finally got him in the basement and he kept banging his body into the door to get out. Barking and growling the whole time. Yes, this makes for a pleasurable signing experience and sets the tone for the rest of the day. I should have gave him some treats. PA-LEEZ!!!

I think dogs sense when your nervous and it upsets them more.

They do. How do you undo nervous when a dog jolts from out of nowhere.

I think it’s best just to be friendly with dog and keep your composure so the dog doesn’t feel threatened.

I always call and say “If you have furry friends we ask that they be in a separate room from the signing” with a smile in my voice. That usually works.

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Ahhh they are the best part about the signing in my opinion, I have one hand petting their dog and other other doing the work haha.


What is up with the signer asking if I want to take a horse home!!! Do I look like a horse person? Another client asked me again today!!! :joy::joy::joy:

Well I would entertain the question just for the fun of it

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Maybe due to inflation horses are too expensive to feed. :joy: