Where is my closing package in signingorder.com?

I feel really dumb asking this question… I have experience with a bunch of different platforms and for the life of me I cannot find my closing package in signingorder.com. I have two closings today and starting to freak out a little. Please help!


there should be a documents tab


I’d call them. If memory serves, they sit on the docs until like 2 hours before Appt.


You sure called that one right! My signing was at 10am EST and I finally received docs at 8:20am. Makes it fun when the signing is almost an hour drive away.

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Your Signing Order documents are on the right side of the website. They will show-up with a name, and a down arrow that is underscored. Click on the down arrow, and your documents should open.

Also, if you continue to have problems it is always best to click on th “CHAT” feature, and ask them where your documents are, or to ask any other questions.

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Going forward…there’s a place on website to leave a Note. When you do ‘something’ required on their website ADD A NOTE telling them you ‘need docs no later than (date &/or time you’re comfortable with’). This usually works. As I said earlier…they tend to sit on docs…


Contact them you should get an email telling you the docs are up.

I also leave a message in the Comments section saying either that I need the file by a certain time or that I haven’t received them. The title company usually responds back quickly on that platform.

I hope you found it. Mine comes up right when I sign in however, if it doesn’t you look up to the left, there’s those three little lines – click on them and a black panel will slide to the right or the left depending --anyway you’ll see it and then you’ll see orders --click on that. Hope this helps!

There is a tab that reads Documents. Click on it and they should be there if they were uploaded