Working in a title office next week for four days

Hello everyone, next week I have the opportunity to work in title companies’ office. Any advice? I have enough signings under my belt and dress and act professionally. Can anyone give me some insight to the experience?

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Advice for most kinds of office: bring some small denomination bills ($1, $5) in case someone offers to go out and get coffee or lunch for the group, so you can pay your share with no hassle.


Great Idea, thank you!

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Im a 40 year real estate agent. Nothing to know. Just do it like any other. Title company will tell you what to do with the packet. Often, i scan it there and upload and leave it there. Depends. Sometimes their real estate agent is there too. They usually glance at the paperwork, especially the deed, but they generally just check for errors. Sometimes the lender is there too. Biggest issue is to get them all quiet so you can do your thing. There might be a form for thecreal estate agent to sign too, nut not usually notarized. Sit at the head of the table. Most of the time, the signing is for the buyer, but you may well have the seller too. Just follow the instructions. If you have any questions, step out and ask a title officer. Make nice and get more business!!


yup. that is a very accurate. I had a signing where the lender rep kept talking about his cousin’s birthday and my signer was so engrossed in the conversation that they put his cousin’s birthdate on the paperwork instead of the correct date. :unamused::unamused::joy::grin:


@shawnadc In my direct recent (and longtime) experience, the insights from @reoqueenbee match perfectly with how I’ve successfully managed In-Office Signing Order(s).

This statement is PROFOUNDLY true! I experienced one instance where the real estate agent was “talking over me” chatting it up with the buyers about ‘happy hour activities.’ I began inserting ‘extended’ pauses before speaking, to bring attention to the business matters at-hand; however, she was completely oblivious . . .

==>>> after 3 attempts at this, I pushed back my chair, leaned over to the real estate agent asking her to step outside with me as I had a question for her ears only.

We stepped outside the conference room & I quietly conveyed that I wanted to ensure that I was able to execute the documents with her clients PERFECTLY so that she could be promptly & accurately paid. I then asked her to please wait in the lobby while we completed the paperwork. She agreed while apologizing for being a distraction. I graciously expressed my true appreciation for her consideration.


  • Sit at the head of the table.
  • Follow all instructions.
  • Be pleasant & cooperative as it’ll engender team spirit & they’ll invite you back again!

REMEMBER: You may have the entire “team” in the room with you => Buyers, Sellers, Escrow Officer, family members, Real Estate agent, Loan Officer, etc.



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