Worst Time Ever For SA’s/Notaries

I plan my budget around the patterns of slow business in the past 12 years. This holiday cycle is the worst I’ve ever experienced.

I’ve received significant wealthy bullies complaints about my $20 mobile notary fees who are high up in the venture capital and law firm categories lately. For instance, I received a call Friday for an appointment today by someone’s boss. The assistant provided the address but the most important thing was confirming her boss approved of the fee. She called back with:

Very strange!

Last week was full of similar experiences. A very wealthy partner lawyer wanted to know why I couldn’t provide a waiver of my $20 mobile fee after she cancelled two times. She texted demanding a waiver. She felt entitled since she was located in my office building. She was very rude so I looked her up and she’s not in need of any of my waivers, she’s just a bully!

Then another lawyer came to my office and seemed suspicious asking questions about my office situation business set up. These lawyers are very strange lately!

I’ve been working on a two signature appointment at my office with someone driving from Sacramento. Many back and forth texts wasting my time. It’s been three weeks and this customer has made a huge deal out of this 2 sig signing.

I had a refi a few days ago and the customers are still resisting my entering their apartments preferring to keep me outside or in a loud fast food service location. I won the battle this time. He had no reason to deny me a nice warm place to sign.

There is an anticipated pandemic returning and hints of mask mandates can be heard again. Just sayin…

It’s hard to form any opinion about whether your fees are fair or not without knowing what state you are in, since different states have different rules about fees. Also, mentioning a “mobile notary” fee without mentioning the other fees (if any) makes it hard to form any opinion.