A Direct Title Marketing Script for Newbies!

Congratulations @noblenotary615!!! I know that feeling. Direct Title work is so refreshing!!! Makes you wonder how you ever took a $75 job, to begin with!

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I like this idea. Have you had any luck with any other marketing ideas?

These are great. I would use them if I ever get a chance to even get my first signing! :joy:

Exactly! I noticed the same thing.

Very helpful thank you for that Great response!

In place of calling I have thought of direct mailing with offices and sending mail! Any thoughts on how to get the postcards to the correct hands instead of the trash can?


I, too, thought this would be a GREAT way to introduce myself several years ago. I could be respectful of their time :owl:by not interrupting and just send it in the mail.

With the cost of the postage, it ended up being an expensive waste of effort. I retained a listing of businesses that I mailed. Unfortunately, over time there were no responses from any of the businesses queried. Of course, that’s in my region. Your results may be different. :sparkles:


Awsome thank you for your feedback!

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I have experienced the same things…its very discouraging.

Fantastic! Thank you.

Fantastic! Thank you SO much for sharing! I bookmarked this so I can come back later.