Anyone have anything POSITIVE to share about our business?

I am prosaic. An experienced independent contractor and small businesswoman. I don’t indulge in pouting or panic - markets go up and down, changes happen, competition occurs. Deal with it.

However, I must admit that the last year has nearly worn me down.

Anyone out there got anything positive to share? A funny story, something hopeful? I could really use that.


Well, this is my funniest and also strangest story. Lady called to get divorce papers signed at my home-office. She showed up and said she wanted to sign before he got there and she’d be back after he left. She paid my full fee…and left me with the papers. He showed up just a few minutes later, signed and left…throwing money out of his wallet all the way back to his car…while I’m yelling NO, NO …I’ve been paid. Hops in car, yells ‘it’s a tip’ and drives off. She returns an hour or so later and picks up the papers. I think I got most of the money blowing in the wind… over $90, singles, a few 5s & 10s.
And, yes, this year has been trying.


Wow…. That is funny…. I am just picturing you running after that money :yen:


For example, I didn’t obtain a notary commission twenty-five years ago to make money. I viewed my commission as community service. I had a successful insurance career at that time, and notary service was another way to strengthen my relationships with my clients. After I “retired,” notary services have been a fun hobby that challenges me every day.


I really enjoy being a notary because of all the different people I meet. Some just starting their lives, some at the end, but all with unique stories. I met a woman yesterday to notarize her POA documents. She immigrated from Serbia over 70 years ago and she was strong and kind at the same time. It made my day to meet her if only one time. I know we come across alot of people we rather not meet again, but for me, those rare and special people with those great stories make up for it.


During that crazy busy time over the past few years, I kept saying that my time was no longer my own.
Now, I’ve finally had time to get some things done I couldn’t before. I worry about the lack of funds, but for some reason, the few jobs I get cover my expenses. I still love going out on jobs. When I work, I thrive. When I don’t, I’m learning to reclaim my time and continue on.


I’ve had a few busy days with sales\purchases out of the blue

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Despite the challenges (time, location, low-ball offers, title and SS who make their share of unacknowledged mistakes), shrinking offers, insulting fees ($50 and below for full refi/purchase w/scan backs and drop off before closing, 30+ miles away), ridiculous expectations by signers (take your shoes off or wear a mask in a house with multiple untrained pets and a house that is little more than a hovel), and earning just over enough to cover my expenses to do this work – I love this job!


Had a signing today and the client insisted that I stay and help him socialize his new puppies.


My experience as a notary has been great. I started studying right at the time of the shutdown, April 2020. Commissioned in October 2020 thinking I was going to maybe do a few notaries a month. To my surprise, I got in at just at the right time, the refi boom. Got a car setup in Feb 2021 because I was missing so many orders on the road. Paid for itself in about a week.

I’ve made many local connections so most of my business now is direct title and Google My Business. I’ve done A LOT of SS business, tho, but only at good fees. I feel very grateful that I’m thriving through the economic turmoil. Granted, I live in a rural area and have to drive a lot, but it’s beautiful here and there’s hardly any traffic.

If I see an order come through that is low, I just counter or move it along.

I’m no spring chicken and this has been the best job I’ve ever had and I worked in tech for 30 years. Loved that, also. But this takes the cake as I’m my boss. Definitely takes time and energy.

Hope this is encouraging to someone.

Also, I had an AWESOME mentor/friend that had been a notary for 10 years that basically put me through a notary boot camp. I am forever grateful.

And I’ve had my only 2 sisters pass away in the last few years. This business has been a kind of therapy for me in that it has helped to keep me moving forward through crazy personal loss.

I keep reediting this post because there are so many things that I love and am thankful for about this career. Imma stop now. Lol!


I am doing similar POA signings for people from other countries. Most interesting out of country signing was for a joint venture Japan & Australia Contractor. Our world is changing.

Hi Judi ! Since I’m retired my Notary work is part time and still dribbles in ~ still only accept reasonable rates and not low ball offers which are just a financial loss in big scheme of things. Read all the BS wall street is putting in their news articles and they anticipate real estate improvements mid 2024. Seeing is believing. Currently, my business increases last 2 weeks of month. Comments I receive from signers are lenders and title taking 2 months to complete docs which I find ridiculous in this new tech age. Wonder if newbies can survive taking low rates for a year? I’m POSITIVE will not be me. :blush:

It’s a blessing to be a notary signing agent because I am my own boss and I set my own schedule. This morning I made $65 in 18 minutes of my time for performing RON closing in my PJs! :joy:


Wow, better than tech?!? Now we know :wink:


A lady last week said that I am her Spirit Animal. She was such a warm and fuzzy person I definitely took it as a compliment.


Starting my mobile notary business is the best thing I have ever done for myself and has changed my entire life in a dramatically positive way. I LOVE it. The RE industry is cyclical & theres always a wave coming that translates into jobs/revenue for notaries. The people I meet are so unique & everyone has their own story, thats the part I enjoy the most :grinning:


That’s hilarious! :rofl: Thanks for sharing.

They are so stinkin’ cute! Thank you for sharing.

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This is a really funny story and made my day! Thanks for sharing :grinning:

Sometimes one meets people that you will share a friendship for years to come. I have meet some of the most wonderful people being a signing agent.