Coast2Coast signing

Hey I’m a new NSA I just received my first signing from Coast2Coast. it’s set for today at 4:00. My question is when will the documents be available? I’ve sent a message saying this is a 45 min drive for me and would like to have they by 1:00. Also what would you do if you had say 2 or 3 lined up? Would you really got off do the signing then come back and print the next packet. seems to me they could/should have them the night before.


Unfortunately this is C2C’s normal practice. You just have to be extremely flexible when working with them.


This is normal for majority of Signing Agencies. They can’t send the docs out until they receive them from Title and because many docs are time sensitive they are being typed up the day of closing if not just hours before.
I personally look at receiving last minute docs as good leverage to ask for a higher fee. You can bet that if you’re receiving docs last minute they are sweating to get that order closed in time for the borrowers to be funded by the time promised.


So I guess you can only do one at a time. one signing then come back scan print the next one and go.


Unless you have a mobile printer, that is very often the case; not always though.
I am in the process of installing my printer in the back of my vehicle. There are a couple videos on YouTube about “mobile notary offices.” Check them out. Its super cool.


I agree, this is common practice with all signing companies but this is not due to the signing company itself. Here’s how the whole process goes:

The anxious mortgage broker (if one is involved) usually dictates to the title company when to set the appointment. The lender that the mortgage broker is using provides the documents to title BUT Before they can draw docs, underwriting often still has to approve the loan. Enter the doc drawer at the lender, who may have STACKS of files for which they’re trying to docs get out. Once they do get them to title, the escrow officer then races to prepare the settlement statement (believe me, he/she RACES…) and after completing the settlement statement he/she finally sends the documents to the signing company. The Signing company then immediately uploads the documents to the platform (and it’s immediately-title can see when it’s been done) or to you by email for you to print. It’s all complicated and often last minute. Yikes. And around the ROC it’s the worse.

I work for Coast to Coast a lot! I think they are great, there’s a whole Separate thread from me about them! But…here are some things you can do.

When confirming the signing with the borrower, let them know that you do not have documents yet and ask them their flexibility. For me, in almost any case they are very flexible. The borrowers are anxious to get those documents signed in most cases!. By setting the expectation upfront that you may have to move them around, you are able to take other signings rather than sit and wait for docs on one signing.

This way if the docs don’t come in prior to the signing time you will have time to get home, print them, and get back out to the signing. If you are new as a mobile notary you will figure out very quickly how to move everything around and then be able to keep all signings that you accept. AND, most importantly, this means you also keep the signing and the money coming with it.

Let me know if you have any questions! I’ve learned the hard way how to dance around this issue.


How did you sign up with Coast2Coast? I cannot find a link. There isn’t a sign up section on their site. I have sent a web form inquiry and nothing???

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On their website - go to “About” - then “Join Our Team”

Thank you - I thought there was a another link or site that I was not aware of.

I got signing from them through Snapdocs


I don’t have anything to contribute other than to say, many times I have to come off an assignment due to no docs. I work in north central AZ and am often more than 65 miles from my office. I carry a portable MFC, but don’t always have the time to print docs while on the road. I work with more than 200 companies and close about 1,000 transactions per year, driving as much as 400 miles per day. No docs / late docs is common, as others wrote… it is one of the factors creating high stress with an otherwise fun business. I stopped working with C2C a year ago, due to a constant flow of problems and the propensity for low-balling fees consistently… still had a 6-figure income last year.


It can help to call and explain your drive time. Everyone (Title, signing service, you) are busy, and want the signing to go well. And so, if you let the signing service know you have time concerns, they can let Title know, which can potentially result in getting docs sooner. Also, again: every situation like this is a great opportunity to call the signing service and get to know them. Lisa Bittner, the owner of C2C, is active here on Notary Cafe, and like any signing service owner, always wants more good singing agents working with her.

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C2C is through Snapdocs

I rarely have this problem but reading the other responses it does look like a common problem. I don’t let it get to that point. I hound the crap out of the signing company and will even call the title company if I think the signing company is the problem. I quit accepting assignments from C2C a while back when they cancelled a (or more than one) appointment they signed me to because they found another notary who would do the job for a low-ball fee.


I was taught to give the company a drop dead last minute time for docs in my hands IN ORDER to make a on time appointment
typically they want you on time
but if they can’t get the docs and I have somewhere else to be
,well…i tell them sorry can’t wait

we’re they ready? I have has them cancel same order 5 times without notifying anyone.

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This is not just C2C but how I handled all my signings - told them I needed docs 2 hours prior (print, prep, travel); if they could not guarantee that then ask for flexibility on the time of the signing. This way I’m not out of the picture completely and most companies were really good about working with me in that way.


I’ve never had a issue with Coas2Coast with documents never being available.

I guess I should count my blessings.

I’m confused how some notaries have “great” experiences with C2C and never any problems with them. They consistently text me $30 signings (daily), and many are 80+ miles roundtrip. With drive times in Atlanta, printing 2-3 copies of documents, if I accept these I would make no profit. It’s not worth it. I have a huge problem with lowball $30 Coast2Coast signings. It seems so disrespectful. What do I do? How do I stop their texts?

Additional question, how is Notary Dash associated with C2C? When I click the C2C link, it goes to a Notary Dash page.


I work with C2C via NotaryDash. I’ve never received any orders from Snapdocs in my 20 months as a signing agent